Page 95 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 95
Miniature Pinscher
Past, Present & Future
by Katherine French
There are a number of Affix’s from the past that influence on the dogs in the show ring.
many people involved in Miniature Pinschers
today will be aware of, but will not necessarily As we moved into the 90’s and 00’s, Aileen Coull
know about the dogs carrying these affixes or (Vardenais), Harriet McLean (Kilmur), Cyril and
have only seen a few pictures of them. But if Rita Wilkinson (Keljantzi’s) and Nickie Mackie
they delve far enough back into their pedigrees, (Hawksflight) continued to take the breed
they will find them in their history of their dogs. forward. In fact, a lot of these breeders are still
successfully producing puppies and having
You can’t have an article about dog breeders great success in the show ring.
without including Lionel Hamilton-Renwick
(Birling) who is known for being one of the first We are lucky as a breed that we still have a lot
people to bring a miniature pinscher into the UK of influential breeders around who are willing to
in 1948 and when I was asking around about share their knowledge of dogs and what mating
influential dogs and breeders, his name, and the may be a good match and have an amazing
beautiful Ch Birling Painted Lady were at the knowledge of pedigrees further back than the
top of the list. Others that were mentioned were standard five generations.
John and Peggy Stott (Hayclose), Doug Langley
(Torpin) whose dog Ch Torpin Christmas In terms of a new generation, we are fortunate
Cracker still holds the Dog CC Breed Record, that we have a number of ‘younger’ members
and Fred Leonard (Lionlike). We also can’t who are just starting out on their journey of
forget the contributions made by Ernest Dawson building their kennels and are having some
(Ardenoak) and Sheila Robbins (Shumah). success and I’m sure if this article is written in
10 years’ time their names will appear.
The early years saw the emergence of breeders
such as Donald and Heather Smith (Tubize), We also have people who are prepared to try
who bred the bitch CC record holder, Ch Tubize something new and put in time, research and
Turbo Tigra, Pat and Bill Powers (Torilea), who dedication by bringing in breeding stock from
bred possibly the Min Pin that most modern around the world, realising that they might not
day breeders pick as their most memorable, get it right first time but are able to see the long
Ch Torilea Talk of the Town at Telidor, Raye view for the breed and its future.
Parry (Gwynsais), Thelma Rees (Telidor), and
Sue Burns (Impala) who would all have a great