Page 48 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
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racing greyhounds, together we dabbled in lots
                                                               of activities and sports and had lots of fun! A
                                                               few years after this, we welcomed a gorgeous
                                                               lurcher into our family, who my sister began to
                                                               train and compete in agility competitions, and I
                                                               was lucky enough to be given the opportunity
                                                               to work with some of the dogs belonging to
                                                               the trainer. My main focus with these was
                                                               Rally obedience and agility. The trainer bred 3
                                                               Australian shepherds, and so needed an extra
                                                               pair of hands at a local open show, so after
                                                               a crash course in handling, we ventured to a
                                                               handful of open and champ shows.
           Claire Tatum, Promotions: I have had                Following this, one of the clients at the
           Weimaraner’s in my life since since 1982, but       training school asked me to handle one of
           it was only 10 years ago that a decided to          her Norwegian Buhunds at Gillingham and
           take my new Puppy to Ringcraft and give Dog         Shaftesbury agricultural show. It was here I
           Showing a go! At the time I took my 5 year old      met Neil and Jacqui. We had success and so
           Daughter along, who in due course started           I continued to handle Angel at many shows,
           Junior Handling competitions. This gave me          including a few adult handling classes, I
           some knowledge, and an interest in Handling         thoroughly enjoyed myself, and the rest is
           in general, so I enter a Handling Competition       history! I was also lucky enough to be asked to
           myself!  I have had the honour of judging           train and compete Josephine in agility, Rally and
           South West Handler of the Year, and in 2019         Obreedience. From here I started writing for Our
           I was the overall winner of my age category         Dogs about Obreedience!
           CLKA Handling Final. To be in the final four        More recently, I judged a fun show at Bath
           and such great company was fantastic! I have        Champ for Jacqui and was lucky enough to
           also been on the Committee of Gillingham and        meet Kim with her Beaucerons, and from
           Shaftesbury Open Dog Show for the past 10           here I began to enter more handling classes
           years. I’m passionate about good Handling, and      with Izzee by my side! I’ve also begun to
           so excited to be able to help                                          handle more breeds and
           grow and promote Adult                                                 my love of showing has
           Handling Competitions in                                               grown! I’m excited to be
           the UK                                                                 part of something huge
                                                                                  that involves my love of
           Alysha Branchflower, IT                                                showing!
           & Design: For as long as I
           can remember, dogs have                                                Any questions about the
           been a huge part of my                                                 Adult Handling Association
           life. Before I was born, my                                            or the future of adult
           mum and grandad were                                                   handling can be directed
           involved in showing and                                                to any of the committee
           ran companion dog shows                                                or sent via the Facebook
           and dog training for a lot                                             page!
           of years between them-
           growing up seeing the show                                                 
           is where my love of dogs
                                                                                    Andrea Keepence-Keyte
           began! When I was 10, our
           family rescued a pair of ex                                   

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