Page 44 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 44


                                        THE LEAD
                                        THE LEAD

           Photo: Samantha Webster                                                 By Andrea Keepence-Keyte
           INTR      ODUCING THE NEW
                ADUL           T HANDLING ASSOCIA                                           TION


           Adult handling has a new future with a new          ultimate aim is to get the Semi Finals as big and
           association and committee! Sadly, Anne              prestigious as Richmond JHA Semi Finals were
           Defaye from CLKS has decided to pass on the         back in the 80’s. We have a Facebook page
           torch and it is because of her efforts that Adult   which adult handlers are free to join and this is
           Handling has such a bright future and it what       growing in numbers, showing the true popularity
           it is today! It is important for the association    of competitive adult handling.
           to recognise this hard work and our indebted
           thanks go to Anne for her dedication and hard       We are also calling all judges who wish to be
           work over the years. By happy coincidence           included on the associations new judging lists
           Anne and Jacqui Walmsley were talking about         – please contact any of the committee who will
           the future of adult handling competition and        send the information forward to the new judges
           Jacqui decided to see if she could rally some       committee. The association felt it was important
           troops and the cry was answered. The birth          to form a separate judges committee as some of
           of the Adult Handling Association with a new        the committee for the association are still active
           committee and new ideas for the future. It was      adult handlers, it was felt, to remain fair and
           really important that this committee was formed     impartial that there was a need for a separate
           with people who have a passion and interest         committee who would decide where judges go
           in adult handling to ensure a bright future. It is   on the lists and chose judges for future finals but
           very fortunate that Jacqui is on the committee      would not compete under these judges.
           for Bath Championship show who have agreed
           to host the adult handling finals from 2022         Qualifying will be in the same format as CLKS,
           onwards.                                            in fact if you have already qualified for the 2
                                                               missed Finals, you have already qualified for the
           The Adult Handling Association plan to take         AHA Final in 2022.  The Final will be held in May
           Adult Handling to the next level, moving it         2022 at Bath Championship Show. There will
           forward with high expectations and strong           be 4 age groups a day, with a day winner going
           ambition. We are planning training days             forward to the Final in the Best In Show Ring.
           for Handlers, training days for Judges, and
           refresher days for Handlers  coming out of          The committee is made up from a variety of
           Lockdown. We are looking to get Adult Handling      handlers, some enjoying a career through
           Classes scheduled at many more shows. Our           junior handling and some coming to the sport

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