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Inside This Issue...
                                                                                   •  Phone Sales Tips
                                                                                   •  Sales & Marketing Talk
                                                                                   •  Vernon/BIC Graphic PSA Calendars
                                                                                   •  Sales Results through August 2017
                                                                                   •  Million Dollar Club Achievements
                                                                                   •  25 Year Meeting Award Recipients

       Volume 79, Number 7                                                                           September 2017
                                   Phone Sales Tips: The Best Way

                      to Use the Phone When Contacting Customers

      In sales, being on the phone is a     Who  doesn’t  like  to  hear  their  name   and last name.
      necessity. For as much time as we all   said?                               Never assume the person you’re
      spend on the phone, it’s amazing how                                        talking to is going to recognize your
      poor our phone skills can become if   4.  When greeting people  on  the     voice or think you’re the only one
      we are not intentionally improving    telephone, avoid using their last     with your first name.
      these skills.                         name.
                                            It makes the call seem too formal. Your   7.  Watch your  facial expressions
      Consider these phone sales tips       objective should be to have a casual   by placing a mirror in front of you
      when you contact customers and/or     conversation,  in  the same  way you   when you talk.
      prospects:                                                                            It’s  amazing how  they
                                                                                            come through over the
      1. Don't ask if it’s a good                                                           phone.
      time to talk.
      This gives the other person                                                           8. Add energy to your
      a perfect excuse to end the                                                           phone calls by standing
      call. If you are unsure if the                                                        up.
      person has time to talk, then                                                         Nobody likes talking to
      state up front how long the                                                           a  “blah” person. People
      phone call will take and try to                                                       who have good posture
      keep it to five minutes or less.                                                      tend to come across more
      When you give the person an                                                           enthusiastic than those
      exact time, be sure you time                                                          who don’t.
      the call. After the allotted
      time, tell the customer                                                               9.  When you end a
      you’re at the end, and ask                                                            conversation,    always
      them if they would like to continue or   would talk to a good friend.       summarize it in the same way you
      reschedule. Using this practice allows                                      would end a live meeting.
      you to demonstrate how much you       5. Use visually descriptive words to   By doing so, you can prevent
      respect their time.                   help paint a picture of what you’re   misinterpretation of your discussion.
      2. Ask questions.                     Obviously, a phone call is not as multi-  10. Always allow the other person
      People cannot hang up on themselves.   dimensional as talking to someone in   to have the final comment or
      If you can get them genuinely         person, but this doesn’t mean that a   question.
      responding to questions, the call will   phone conversation has to be boring   Just because you’ve asked all your
      likely continue.                      and stale.                            questions doesn’t mean the other
                                                                                  person has asked all of his or hers.
      3. Use the person’s name at least 3   6. When starting a new telephone
      times in every phone call.            conversation, always give your first  11. Avoid negotiating over the

                                                                                                     Phone Sales Tips,
                                                                                                     Continued on page 3
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