Page 6 - MirrorVIP_September_2017
P. 6

MILLION                                      Company anniversaries are shown in 5-year

                                        DOLLAR                                      After 40 years, anniversaries are shown each
                                                                                           increments, up to 40 years.
                                          CLUBS                                                 additional year.


                   Dosia  Bell, CA, is the       Dan Chila,  NJ,  is  the
                   544th member of the           545th member of the                             Sherry Byriel
                   One Million Dollar Club.      One Million Dollar Club.                            Iowa
                   She joined The Vernon         He joined The Vernon                              20 years
                   Company in 2014.              Company in 2012.

                                                                                               Phil Poniatowski
                                                                                                   25 years
          Eddie Moore, SC, is the   Susan Watson, TX, is   Craig Perry, AL, is the
          298th member of the      the 299th member of     53rd member of the
          Two Million Dollar Club.   the Two Million Dollar   Six Million Dollar Club.
          He joined The Vernon     Club. She joined The    He joined The Vernon
          Company in 2011.         Vernon Company in       Company in 2002.             Vernon Retirement

          Bob Anderson,  GA,       Scott Williams, AK,    Michelle Rutha,  NY,
          is the 44th member       is the 45th member     with Vernon Graphics,      Dave Bouck retired from  Vernon
          of  the  Seven  Million   of  the  Seven  Million   is  the  16th  member   on Friday, September 29th, after 33
          Dollar Club. He joined   Dollar Club. He joined   of  the  Eleven  Million   years,  3 months and  30  days with
          The Vernon Company       The Vernon Company     Dollar Club. She joined
          in 1986.                 in 2004.               The Vernon Company         the company. Dave held a number
                                                          in 2010.                   of positions during his time at The
                                                                                     Vernon Company, most recently Gift
                                                                                     Room Packer.

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