Page 3 - MirrorVIP_September_2017
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Phone Sales Tips,
Continued from page 1
phone. 2018 Vernon/BIC Graphic PSA Calendars
Use it as a means to introduce
information and to follow up or Now Available
confirm information. It’s impossible
to truly read body language over
the phone and thus you lose a major
negotiating tool. A phone call can be
an excellent way to introduce a new
idea upon which you would like to
receive some feedback. Many times it
will allow feedback to be gained in a
less threatening manner than if it were
to occur in a traditional sales call.
12. Never use a speaker phone with
a customer, even if they say it is fine
with them.
Speaker phones add to the
perception the conversation is not It's time to order your 2018 Vernon/BIC PSA calendars. This calendar, designed
important enough to capture 100% and produced by BIC Graphic, is a great way to get your brand on your clients'/
of the person’s attention. (The only prospects' walls to showcase the wide variety of promotional items Vernon has to
exception, of course, is if there is a offer. Each month features a scenic landscape as the subject photo with special
group involved.) offers from Vernon and BIC Graphic in various products categories, such as free
set-up, free 2nd color, free goods, etc. The imprint area contains the Vernon logo
Applying these phone sales tips plus your personalization, keeping your contact info at a glance all year.
to your daily routine will help you
boost your sales motivation, increase Be sure to order enough so you have an extra copy for yourself. This way you'll
your success and better serve your know what the special offer is each month and can send your clients/prospects
customers and prospects. a reminder to take advantage of the offer, adding an additional customer touch
each month.
Source: Mark Hunter, 'The Sales Hunter' Please place orders in AccountPRO, due Friday, October 13th. If you have
questions, contact Kristine Perkins at ext. 8211 or
Vernon BrandExpo Des Moines