Page 34 - EW April 2021
P. 34

                                          Education in a Post-Covid world:

                                          Why schools must prepare for a shift to

                                          online learning in 2021

                                          The Covid pandemic has impacted life in ways we could not imagine just a year ago.
                                          Education was severely disrupted due to the limitations imposed on movement, meetings
                                          and gathering. Ms. Divya Lal, Managing Director of Fliplearn Education Pvt. Ltd
                                          explains her views on why schools should prepare for a shift to Phygital learning in 2021.

                                          net, transcending geographical limitations of   and positively impacts the 4 basic equations
                                          space or travel, economical and on-demand   in the process – teacher-student; student-
                                          learning have permanently altered the   student; parent-student and parent-teacher.
                                          education landscape.             All four equations are regenerated as a new
                                            It is imperative that we prepare students –   collaborative model takes root.
                                          and ourselves as educators - for the future.   This democratization of education has
                                          While a pandemic that would transform the   e ternal benefits   a reduced cost of delivery
                                          face of education could not be anticipated, we   is bringing new students into the education
                                          can confidently say that from here onwards   net, an ambition expressed by most countries,
                                          technology will seep into every student’s life   schools and governments. In this new hybrid
                chool routines were suspended,   like never before – all the way until they join   avatar, blended learning is de-emphasising
                teaching stalled, learning took a hit.   the workforce. In other words, the age of   content accumulation as a test of a student’s
                Children’s education, examinations,   blended learning is upon us and everyone -   knowledge and prowess and shifting the
         Sassessments, admissions,        students, teachers, parents and institutions   focus on what we call their ‘processing
         placements, all took a beating. So, what   - are better prepared rather than not at all, for   abilities’ or their ability to comprehend and
         does the future hold for education? Will it be   its advent.      translate. In this new world, information is
         business as usual, back to the classroom – or   A blended learning mode has powerful   freely available, on demand at a fraction of the
         will we see permanent shifts and changes in   proven advantages in times of Covid   cost of traditional books – and the student has
         the way we teach – and learn?    sensitivities. It allows teachers to maintain   to only sharpen his or her skills at using it to
           The saving grace for education during this   the autonomy of their class while providing   understand or explain concepts.
         stressful period of disruptions was online   a level of educational safety that means   The strongest argument in favour of
         education. While on the rise even before   students could continue learning regardless   blended education remains its ability to
         Covid hit us, online education came as a   of the world around them. But the advantages   be tailored to groups, classes, batches, or
         rescue act for students, teachers and all   run deeper. Digital and mixed learning can   individuals allowing for a fle ibility hitherto
         stakeholders in keeping schedules going. Not   offer an educational experience for students   unavailable to the entire process of education
         surprising then, the online learning industry   that can be more impactful than traditional   delivery models. This bespoke blending
         has witnessed significant growth due to the   classroom education. Students can learn   can allow for individual attention or group
         limitations imposed by the Covid pandemic   from home and freely control their learning.   education as the subject or student requires.
         across the world. The simple virtue of being   This independence revolutionizes the set-  Now that schools are reopening, the
         so much more convenient and cost effective   education pattern allowing students a break   post-covid challenges are emerging.  The
         than conventional face-to-face courses has   from the demands of the classroom so they   insecurities among all stakeholders – schools,
         made eLearning highly popular.What was   can concentrate on their own needs and learn   students, parents and teachers due to new
         earlier mainly for working professionals and   at the right pace that suit them.This makes the   regulations will continue for some more time
         distance learning students - who used it for the   educational experience more personalized   before full normalcy will be restored. However,
         convenience, fle ibility, and affordability has   and also enables teachers to concentrate on   it is clear that the transition period will have to
         today become a great asset to the education   their relationship with the student and facilitate   be managed through a combination of digital
         system at large.                 their individualized learning. When students   and physical approaches to teaching and
           All estimates suggest that going forward   receive personalized support, they are more   learning. This blended pedagogy mechanism
         online education will hold a major share of the   likely to succeed.  – called the phygital–is by all estimations
         teaching-learning process. Partly due to the   A blended approach to education accepts   going to be the way of the future as the
         impetus it has received, which has resulted in   the fact that education is no longer limited   transition to digital education progresses
         online platforms upping their game, providing   to a classroom or school and that the age of   and seeps into the education system. It is
         better and more extensive content, enabling   360-degree education is upon is. Education   for schools and institutions to embrace this
         sharing and improved App development digital   is happening all the time around the student   model wholeheartedly. It is an option that
         education has today become a practical tool   as he or she accesses information, task   empowers fle ible learning and teaching
         to transcend some of the typical limitations   work, test papers, assessments at will round   without disruptions in a post-Covid world that
         imposed by in-person education for centuries.   the clock with no limitations to space, time   continues to be fraught with insecurities and
          ence, fle ibility of learning at one s own pace   or location. The blended learning format   unusual challenges. Schools can no longer do
         and time, instant access to resources on the   redefines the traditional education paradigm   without it

                                              EDUCATIONWORLD APRIL 2021
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