Page 36 - EW April 2021
P. 36

Expert Comment

             Private varsity

             governance pitfalls

                                                                                                SHIV VISVANATHAN

                     NE OF THE DRAWBACKS OF ACADEMIC           Re Pratap Bhanu Mehta’s recent
                     controversies is that they surface without   resignation, one should bear in mind
                     articulation of genealogy, or context. They erupt
             Oas scandal, evoke a few personalities, allow a trail   that Ashoka’s financiers have always
             of gossip, and fade quickly. The recent controversy around   been ambivalent about dissent which is
             Ashoka University (AU) has that drawing room flavour. It
             will cease to command attention or meaning soon.   normative in the university system
                The genealogy of Ashoka University can be traced back
             to the writings of Patrick Geddes, India’s first sociologist
             recognised as the inventor of town planning. Geddes wrote   colourful personalities like Mehta to the basic character of
             about the modern university in an inimitable way. He ar-  universities as intellectual terrain. The threat to emasculate
             gued that a university is incomplete without dissenting   the autonomy and diversity of the university has been one
             academics. The holism of the university as an intellectual   of the RSS-BJP combo’s priority objectives.
             powerhouse needs the creative power of dissenting per-  Against this backdrop, one should not be lulled into be-
             spectives. Thus, every Western university system grew by   lieving that the regime’s National Education Policy (NEP)
             absorbing intelligent dissenting viewpoints within its en-  2020 guarantees academic autonomy. NEP 2020 decep-
             vironment. This is precisely the balance that Pratap Bhanu   tively promises little streams of administrative and financial
             Mehta provided as an autonomous and dissenting force   autonomy at the cost of intellectual and political freedom.
             within Ashoka University.                         It comments about diversity and autonomy but regards
                In this particular case which forced Mehta’s resignation   education as an assembly line process requiring minimal
             as vice chancellor in 2019 and as professor of political sci-  operational freedom. It also views the structural problems
             ence on March 15, one should bear in mind that Ashoka’s   of the country’s archaic education system as technical issues
             financiers have always been ambivalent about dissent. They   unconnected with philosophy and ethics. The university is
             should have known it is normative in the university system.   reduced to a skilling academy, without any awareness of
                Nor is Mehta’s resignation a unique case for AU, pro-  the theory of knowledge which is necessary to create new
             moted seven years ago with high aspirations. In 2017,   knowledge. One has to be aware that functional literacy and
             the AU management fired a young lecturer for his public   authoritarianism often weave into each other. NEP 2020 is
             stand on retaining the special status of Kashmir, claiming   an embodiment of such limited vision.
             it threatened the university. Even more embarrassing was   believe it’s time to call a spade a spade. Dr. Kasturirangan,
             the resignation of Prof. Meena Surie Wilson, head of AU’s   Ithe architect of NEP 2020, is an influential technocrat
             women’s leadership cell. A brilliant professional with deep   who has authored two insidious reports. His report on the
             roots in Asia and the US, Surie discovered that the cell was   Western Ghats challenges the ecological possibilities of
             without real content. As she sought to write its curriculum,   democracy and NEP destroys the university as an ecology
             she discovered the university trustees wanted to use money   of plural knowledges. The logic is clear: supporting Mehta is
             officially allocated to her department for other purposes.   also a challenge to NEP 2020, and the ruling regime which
             She challenged it quietly but firmly and chose to resign over   has no understanding of the plurality of universities.
             the issue in 2018. The integrity and dignity of that protest   This is why the university must respond collectively to
             should not be forgotten.                          Mehta’s protest and resignation from AU. While it is indi-
                If Prof. Surie challenged the ethical integrity of Ashoka,   vidually inspiring, it should focus the attention of academ-
             Pratap Bhanu Mehta, a formidable public intellectual, be-  ics on raising similar questions, especially on the recent
             came an example of political and intellectual autonomy, a   protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act at Jamia.
             status unacceptable to its founder-trustees, who envisioned   What frightens the regime is a prospect of a Shaheen Bagh-
             AU as an investment opportunity rather than a truly inde-  style protest not just at a liberal Ashoka, but in Delhi and
             pendent liberal arts university. The follow-up resignation   Aligarh universities and the IITs. If they are added to the
             of Arvind Subramaniam, former chief economic advisor of   130-day protest of farmers on the peripheries of Delhi, it
             the BJP/NDA government at the Centre who had signed up   would expose the mediocrity of the BJP/NDA government.
             as AU faculty, highlights this structural weakness.   Against this backdrop it is time that academics reinvent
                There is a second facet of this controversy that needs un-  the university with a rigorous independent evaluation of
             derlining. This situation is not peculiar to AU. It is common   NEP 2020. The impact of such a project will be unimagi-
             to a whole chain of universities ranging from Jamia Islamia,   nable. It will challenge the Macaulayite authoritarianism of
             Aligarh, Delhi, Hyderabad and JNU which are desperately   the ruling dispensation.
             struggling for academic and intellectual freedom within an   (Shiv Visvanathan is a professor at O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat
             insidious political environment. This issue goes beyond   (Haryana) and a member of Compost Heap, an academic think tank)

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