Page 39 - EW April 2021
P. 39

India’s diverse private schools provide quality education to 47.5 percent of school-going children

             are being deprived of their daily free-of-charge mid-day   undergrad colleges or 1,008 universities (some of them of
             meal.                                             150 years vintage) is ranked among the global Top 200 of
                Curiously while entire divisions of economists, business   QS and Times Higher Education, the well-respected Lon-
             analysts and media pundits have devised detailed strategies   don-based varsity rating agencies.
             to haul industry, business and the economy back on the   India’s estimated 200 million children in the age group
             rails, there is helpless inertia in academia about ideating   0-8 have been especially hard-hit by the prolonged closure
             ways and means to repair the huge loss of learning suffered   of pre-primary and primary schools for over a year. Accord-
             by the world’s largest child and youth population. This ed-  ing to a valuable but disturbing field research study titled
             ucation-focused publication which has repeatedly warned   Loss of Learning During the Pandemic published by the
             about the silent crisis brewing in Indian education (see EW   Bengaluru-based Azim Premji University (APU, estb.2010),
             January-March cover stories on   “overall loss of learning — loss (regression or forgetting)
             is a lonely voice in the wilderness, ignored not only by un-  of what children had learnt in the previous class as well as
             heeding governments at the Centre and states, but also by   what they did not get an opportunity to learn in the present
             the academy, parents and educators communities.   class — is going to lead to a cumulative loss over the years,
                The dimensions of this brewing crisis in Indian educa-  impacting not only the academic performance of children
             tion are mountainous. Even before the outbreak of the pan-  in their school years but also their adult lives”. To conduct
             demic and consequential national lockdown of all education   the study, APU field researchers tested 16,067 classes II-VI
             institutions countrywide, learning outcomes in Indian edu-  children of 1,137 public (government) schools in 44 districts
             cation across the spectrum were rock-bottom.      of five states, to assess four capabilities in language learning
                For more than a decade the authoritative Annual Sta-  and elementary maths.
             tus of Education Report (ASER) of the Pratham Education   The ‘key findings’ of this valuable study are -- or should
             Foundation has been warning that over half of class V chil-  be — alarming. “92 percent of children on average have lost
             dren in rural — especially government — primaries can’t   at least one specific language ability (describing a picture
             read class II textbooks, or do simple division and multipli-  or experiences orally; reading familiar words; reading with
             cation sums. In higher education not one of India’s 39,931   comprehension; writing simple sentences based on a pic-

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