Page 43 - EW April 2021
P. 43

Alarming foundational learning loss
                                                               Maths learning loss
                  study titled Loss of Learning During the Pandemic con-  • An average 82% of children have lost at least one specific
              A ducted in January (2021) by the Azim Premji University,   mathematical ability of the previous year in all classes. Illus-
              Bengaluru (APU, estb.2010) reveals the extent and nature of   tratively, these specific abilities include identifying single and
              the ‘forgetting/ regression’ learning loss (i.e, what was learnt   two-digit numbers; performing arithmetic operations; using
              earlier but has now been lost) among children in public (gov-  basic arithmetic operations for problem solving; describing
              ernment) schools shut down during the Covid-19 pandemic.   2D/3D shapes; reading and drawing inferences from data.
              The study covered 16,067 children in 1,137 public schools in   • 67% of children in class II, 76% in class III, 85% in class
              44 districts of five states of the Indian Union of 28 states and   IV, 89% in class V and 89% in class VI have lost at least one
              seven Union territories.                         specific ability of the previous year.
                 Well-qualified APU field researchers (mainly teachers) test-   “The extent and nature of learning loss is serious enough
              ed four specific capabilities of class II-VI children in language   to warrant action at all levels. Policy and processes to iden-
              and mathematics. “These four specific abilities for each grade   tify and address this loss are necessary as children return to
              were chosen because they are essential for subsequent learn-  schools. Supplemental support, whether in the form of bridge
              ing — in all subjects. Therefore, loss of any one ability will have   courses, extended hours, community-based engagements
              very serious consequences on all further learning,” says the   and appropriate curricular material, will be needed to help
              study report. The key findings of the study are given below.   children (re) gain the(se) foundational abilities when they
              Language learning loss                           return to school. It follows that teacher capacity to ensure
              • An average 92% of children in all classes have lost at least   student learning in these unusual circumstances must be in
              one specific language capability (whatever the medium of   focus, particularly with respect to pedagogy and assessment
              instruction) acquired in the previous year. Illustratively, these   needed to deal with students at diverse learning levels. And
              specific abilities include describing a picture or experiences   most importantly, teachers must be given enough time to
              orally; reading familiar words; reading with comprehension;   compensate for both kinds of learning loss — and we must
              writing simple sentences based on a picture.     not rush into promoting children to the next class,” warn the
              • 92% of children in class II, 89% in class III, 90% in class   authors of this valuable field tests-based study.
              IV, 95% in class V, and 93% in class VI have lost at least one
              specific ability from the previous year.                        Source:

             non-performing government schools,                                country’s iniquitous socio-economic
             they have been deliberately excluded                              pyramid, has also emerged as a major
             from the MSME category. It’s shame-                               pain point for private school promot-
             ful  that  the  Centre  and  states  are                          ers and managements.
             taking advantage of the pandemic to                                 Despite  middle  class  managers
             force the bankruptcy of BPS all over                              and organised sector employees being
             the country. This is anti-national and                            substantially spared layoffs and salary
             highly condemnable,” says Dr. Parth                               cuts during the pandemic lockdown —
             Shah, former professor of econom-                                 the hardest hit have been MSME em-
             ics at Michigan University, USA and                               ployees and migrant labour — encour-
             founder-president of the Delhi-based                              aged by populist politicians intent on
             Centre for Civil Society (estb.1997), a                           harvesting their votes, parents across
             highly-reputed think tank and men-                                the  country  are  reneging  on  paying
             tor  of  NISA  (National  Independent                             contracted school fees. With several
             Schools Alliance) which has a mem-                                state  governments  issuing  notifica-
             bership of 60,000 BPS countrywide.                                tions at their behest directing private
                Unfortunately  for  private  —  es-  Shah: deliberate exclusion  school managements to collect only
             pecially budget — school promoters,                               70 percent of tuition — and no other
             most of whom have invested their life   are  not  the  only  stumbling  blocks.   — fees, numerous parent associations
             savings in establishing schools with-  Post-independence India’s freeload-  are  refusing  to  pay  contracted  fees,
             out any help from risk-averse public   ing  middle  class  which  has  become   even if their children are availing on-
             sector banks (PSBs) managed by le-  accustomed  to  non-merit  subsidies   line classes.
             thargic, over-promoted clerks, and the   for  piped  water,  electricity,  higher   “Ever since the 1970s when then
             ideologically hostile neta-babu broth-  education  etc,  grabbed  at  the  cost   prime minister Indira Gandhi packed
             erhood  which  frames  public  policy,   of the majority at the bottom of the   the Supreme Court with ‘committed’

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