Page 44 - EW April 2021
P. 44

Cover Story

             leftist  and  communist  judges  who
             passed illogical judgements prohibit-
             ing “commercialisation of education”
             —  but  not  of  food,  health,  housing
             or the judicial system itself — mid-
             dle  class  parents  have  developed  a
             schizophrenic  attitude  towards  pri-
             vate  schools.  First  they  use  every
             trick in the book to get their children
             admission in private schools — they
             won’t touch government schools with
             a bargepole — of their choice. But af-
             ter their child/children are admitted,
             they quickly develop an antagonistic
             attitude towards private school man-
             agements  accusing  them  of  short-
             changing  their  children  and  always
             protest annual fee increases which are
             inevitable in these inflationary times.
             Instead of offering constructive criti-  Parents protesting private school fees in Bengaluru. Inset: Ashok Agarwal
             cism and partnering with teachers and
             the management to improve the edu-  be charged. Therefore, it follows that   vour government regulation of private
             cation of their children, most middle   when  normal  schooling  is  not  pro-  school fees. With a substantial number
             class parents become carping critics   vided,  normal  fees  are  not  payable.   of them having suffered income loss,
             hell-bent  on  finding  fault.  For  this   Nevertheless,  AIPA  has  maintained   even if not lay-offs, during the pan-
             perpetually disgruntled tribe the pan-  that parents must pay the full tuition   demic lockdown, they are in no mood
             demic has offered an opportunity to   fee — but not other fees — because   to pay the contracted full school fees of
             renege on their contractual obligation   school  managements  are  obliged  to   children even if schools are providing
             to  pay  children’s  fees,  even  though   pay teachers and employees to retain   online classes. Digital classes at best
             they are aware that we have had to   them  until  normal  classes  resume.   are  conducted  for  three-four  hours
             invest heavily in Internet connectiv-  This is especially true of schools pro-  and children are prohibited from ac-
             ity, digital hardware, teacher training   viding online education to their stu-  cessing co-curricular and sports edu-
             while continuing to pay staff salaries,”   dents,” says Agarwal.   cation by lockdown rules which have
             says an embittered promoter-princi-  The argument that private schools   shut down all campuses of education
             pal of a mid-priced co-ed day school   have invested in digital infrastructure   institutions.  Therefore  schools  that
             in Bangalore/Bengaluru.          and teacher training so that education   insist on payment of full or substan-
             H         OWEVER,  THE  ARGU     al. “On several occasions the Supreme   of the prevailing situation to rake in
                                              is not hampered, is rejected by Agarw-
                                                                               tially  full  fees  are  taking  advantage
                                                                               abnormal profit, runs the argument
                       MENT that despite being
                                              Court has held that education provi-
                       shut down by government
                                                                                 This line of reasoning fails to take
                                              a charitable activity. Therefore capi-
                       orders  to  prevent  trans-  sion is by definition and necessarily   popular with parents.
             mission of the highly contagious Coro-  tal  expenditure  incurred  by  private   into  consideration  that  all  govern-
             navirus, private schools have invested   schools  cannot  be  recovered  from   ments have directed schools to con-
             heavily in digital infrastructure and   parents. This status of private schools   tinue paying teachers and staff sala-
             teacher training for continuous edu-  was reaffirmed by the Supreme Court   ries. Moreover, most private schools
             cation while also paying employees’   in  the  Modern School Case  (2004)   — including BPS — have switched to
             salaries and institution maintenance   which held that private schools can   online education to maintain learning
             expenses, cuts no ice with Delhi-based   raise their fees by 10-15 percent an-  continuity of their students. This swi-
             Ashok Agarwal, a legal practitioner   nually to meet increased revenue ex-  tchover to digital education has cost
             and president of the All India Parents   penditure,” says Agarwal   school managements — who dismiss
             Association (AIPA, estb.2005) which   Agarwal’s viewpoint is representa-  Agarwal’s  separation  of  capital  and
             he claims has “millions of parents in   tive of middle class parents across the   revenue expenditure as “specious nit-
             28 states” as members.           country, who while refusing to enrol   picking”  —  heavily,  especially  since
                “It’s  well-established  law  that  if   their children in free-of-charge gov-  government-controlled  banks  are
             service is not provided, a fee cannot   ernment schools, simultaneously fa-  reluctant to advance them credit for

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