Page 48 - EW April 2021
P. 48
Cover Story
tion of the Centre against the coun-
try’s 450,000 private schools that host
47.5 percent of all in-school children,
almost all state governments have
rushed to issue ill-considered direc-
tives and notifications prohibiting
private school managements from de-
manding duly contracted tuition fees
from their parent communities, even
if their children are availing online ed-
ucation. In Karnataka, a government
notification of January 29 restricted
private schools from collecting more
than 70 percent of tuition fees while
proscribing all other fees for the cur-
rent extended academic year ending
May 31, 2021. Fortunately, this noti- Singh: deep distrust Mishra: destructive policies
fication has been stayed by the Kar-
nataka high court. Likewise, a similar past pandemic year. The negligent hru World School (estb.1978) ranked
notification of the Rajasthan govern- treatment accorded by the Central Ghaziabad’s #2 co-ed day school in the
ment has been stayed by the Supreme government which failed to classify EducationWorld India School Rank-
Court on February 9 following a writ private schools as MSMEs entitled ings 2020-21.
petition filed by the Society for Un- to pandemic damage relief, and the The confusion, ill-will and chaos
aided Private Schools of Rajasthan. knee-jerk reaction of state govern- generated within the private school
A LTHOUGH THESE STAY fees ceilings have generated deep dis- sion and omission of government has
system by the reckless sins of commis-
ments that have imposed arbitrary
trust between school managements
orders indicate that In-
wider ramifications. The plain truth
dia’s 21st century upper
judiciary — unlike the and their parent communities. The is that only private schools have the
plain truth is that in no other service
necessary capabilities to provide mod-
committed judges of the socialist industry has any government forcibly ern, digital technologies-driven K-12
era — are beginning to acknowledge reduced fees, except in education. The education required to build strong
the legitimate role and contribution ill-considered fee reduction and waiv- foundations for children to succeed
of private education providers to the er notifications of state governments in higher education and adulthood.
national development effort, the reck- which we were obliged to challenge in And flagrant discrimination and step-
less notifications of state governments court, have generated great tension motherly treatment of private schools
to reduce and/or postpone the collec- between school managements and which has become glaring during the
tion of contracted fees has thrown parents. Teachers also feel that par- pandemic, is certain to disillusion ac-
apples of discord among private ents of the children they mentor don’t tual and potential edupreneurs from
school managements and their par- care about their (teachers) welfare expanding and promoting new, green-
ent communities countrywide. With and well-being. With so much ill-will field schools. This will overcrowd ex-
promoters and managements filing between the administration, teachers isting private schools, result in long
writ petitions against government and parents, the education of children waiting periods for admission into
orders interfering with school-parent is bound to suffer,” says Arunabh top-ranked schools and necessitate ex-
contracts, numerous parents associa- Singh, promoter-principal of the Ne- pensive influence peddling for admis-
tions have mushroomed countrywide sions because of capacity shortages.
supporting fees reduction and waivers “Government policies of the past
and alleging that private schools are e silver lining of the pandemic year have proved highly
exploitative, cruel and unmindful of destructive for private schools. Not
the job and income losses suffered by pandemic is that it has only have the Central and state gov-
their parent communities during the highlighted the vital ernments totally neglected govern-
pandemic year. ment schools, they have also thrown
“India’s private school system importance of private a spanner into the private school sys-
which includes several hundred ex- schools within the national tem. The RTE Act, 2009 mandates
cellent, globally benchmarked schools the establishment of SMCs (school
has suffered severe damage during the education system management committees) comprising