Page 53 - EW April 2021
P. 53


             Developing entrepreneurial


                                                                              SAROJINI RAO

                   1ST CENTURY INDIA IS RE-DISCOVERING ITS      e national development effort requires
                   entrepreneurial roots. It is now among the world’s
                   Top 5 countries for the number of start-up enter-  a large and ever growing number of
             2prises. However, according to a 2017 IBM Institute   entrepreneurs — job creators rather than
             for Business Value and Oxford Economics Study, 90 per-
             cent of Indian startups fail within five years. Though most   seekers — to step forward to promote
             promoters ascribe this high failure rate to inadequate fund-  greenfield enterprises, trusts and NGOs
             ing, the majority of them fail because of deficiency of entre-
             preneurial competencies, particularly creativity, risk-taking
             and ‘antifragility’. The resilient entrepreneur bounces back
             to square one. On the contrary, antifragile entrepreneurs   textbook-driven teaching into meaningful experiences for
             thrive in chaos and emerge stronger than before.  students. As a result, the latter will be stimulated to re-
                Although politicians and bureaucrats who have promot-  search, collaborate, brainstorm, ideate, reflect and develop
             ed over 500 public sector commercial enterprises country-  valuable life competencies. DTP is a  life skill at the macro
             wide seem unaware, every business enterprise is a risk-  level and an instructional strategy at the micro level.
             bearing venture. Therefore, fear of failure is not unusual.   o create an ecosystem that encourages students to be-
             But the distinguishing feature of successful entrepreneurs  Tcome risk takers and overcome fear of failure, evolved
             is that they have risk-bearing capability, and aren’t afraid   educationists recommend heterogeneous teams that in-
             to fail. They understand that the first rule of business —   novate collaboratively. In the ultimate analysis best deci-
             or indeed any enterprise — is ‘nothing ventured, nothing   sions are made by teams addressing problems in a VUCA
             gained’.                                          (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world. How-
                Unfortunately, despite the subcontinent’s long and suc-  ever, building teams is not only a command and control
             cessful history of private enterprise, in contemporary In-  function, it requires collaborative and creative learning,
             dian society there’s considerable stigma attached to failure   problem solving, ideation, prototyping and testing. Creative
             arising from risk taking. Therefore, the general preference   collaboration by teams ensures that projects are designed
             of the middle class is for safe and secure employment, es-  so that if a constituent unit of a project malfunctions, it will
             pecially in government jobs where long tenure, steady pro-  cause minimal damage to other units. In schools, forma-
             motion and inflation-proof salaries and perquisites adding   tion of teams to ideate practical solutions for local social
             to several multiples of per capita income, are guaranteed.  problems — food wastage, climate change, curriculums and
                Yet the national development effort requires a large and   administration reforms — is a good way to start.
             ever growing number of entrepreneurs — job creators rath-  Intelligent risk-taking capability and reduction of fear of
             er than seekers — to step forward to promote greenfield en-  failure can also be developed by setting challenging goals
             terprises, philanthropic trusts and charities and social wel-  and planning to achieve them collaboratively. Since goals
             fare organisations. In the 21st century milieu, the country’s   tend to be for the long term, it is advisable to monitor a
             schools and colleges must foster an entrepreneurial culture   project with several checkpoints along the way and ensure
             to encourage children to become risk-taking entrepreneurs   attainment of mid-point goals. Students can be taught to
             unafraid of failure. Case studies need to be collated and   set challenging goals and achieve smaller targets to attain
             entrepreneurial stories celebrated and disseminated.   the ultimate objective.
                The  first  step  towards  resuscitating  our  historically   In this connection, it’s important to keep the Pareto
             strong tradition of private enterprise is to overcome fear   Principle in mind. In the 19th century, Vilfredo Pareto, an
             of failure which is pervasive in Indian society. School man-  Italian economist and philosopher, formulated the 80/20
             agements should encourage students to practice design   rule. He contended that if we spend 80 percent of our time
             thinking and to apply knowledge to real-life situations to   focusing on the most critical 20 percent of a given project,
             creatively and collaboratively solve problems. Design think-  it will be 80 percent successful. The 80/20 principle recom-
             ing is a solutions-based pedagogy developed to find innova-  mends focus to identify the core of a problem and allocation
             tive solutions to problems. It was developed by IDEO (an   of 80 percent of available resources to it. This awareness
             international design company) based on models ideated in   reduces risk and fear of failure. These measures will help
             the Stanford Design School. In simple terms, design think-  build entrepreneurial mindsets in schools and higher edu-
             ing means collaborative effort to identify problems, and   cation to produce the go-getting entrepreneurs the nation
             generating creative solutions. I believe the design thinking   urgently needs.
             process (DTP) should be integrated into every subject in all
             classes, starting with one subject per grade. By practicing   (Sarojini Rao is the principal of Indus International School & advisor, Indus
             DTP, teachers can compact several periods of teacher and   Startup School, Bengaluru)

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