Page 50 - EW April 2021
P. 50


                   he process of learning is not confined to the   •   A  newfound  comfort  level  with  learning  cultivates
                   time spent in a classroom, with homework or   deeper perspectives and fresh viewpoints, igniting learners
                   on field trips. Learning involves many facets   to explore the intricacies of learning itself and how it applies
           Tof activity and information flow that form a   to their world.
         learning ecosystem. Today’s learning faces many barriers,   •   A  limitless  learning  environment  levels  the  playing
         including social, economic and technology constraints. Yet   field and knows no economic, ethnic, political, or social
         technology can effectively address these challenges.   boundaries.

            In order for technology to improve education, schools   TRANSFORMIST – SCHOOL MANAGEMENT
         must consider the total environment and fully understand   Management need an environment in which student
         the learning ecosystem. Barriers present in the ecosystem   information is seamlessly integrated between management
         must  be  illuminated  and  appropriate  technology-based   systems  within  the  school,  across  schools,  and  with
         solutions  must  be  applied  to  overcome  those  barriers   government  agencies.  They  must  be  able  to  track  and
         and thereby assist educational organizations in achieving   improve student and school progress, and be informed
         their goals. Initiatives in global information technology   about potential problems and opportunities so they can
         standards,  provide  a  broad  range  of  capabilities  for   take  immediate  action.  Management  need  to  clearly
         improving the learning ecosystem.                communicate with parents, teachers, and the community.
                                                          They must control costs, yet remain flexible and adaptable to
            Schools today require flexible and cost-effective growth,   change. Management should easily access financial records
         including the use of existing technology and the ability to   and create their own customized reports, enabling them
         adapt to change. Therefore, the learning ecosystem must be   to make decisions informed by accurate and reliable data.
         agile, capable of changing and growing as new innovations   School related information should be maintained in real
         occur in teaching, learning, technology, and as the needs of   time. Management should be able to assess which students
         the ecosystem evolve and mature. Envision the possibilities   are progressing or falling behind, and take appropriate
         of such an ecosystem, a community of learning for teachers,   action, such as ensuring that a teacher is participating in
         parents, students, and administrators in which:  appropriate professional development or that another is
                                                          rewarded for innovative work.
         •   Each has access to personalized learning on a range of
         devices—anywhere, anytime—individualizing their learning   CHANGE MAKERS – PRINCIPALS
         capability and accelerating the learning cycle.     There are a number of challenges that principals face
         •   Each is empowered to harness new technologies and   in the current learning ecosystem. The following are just a
         learning applications, eliminating time-sapping struggles   few of the more prominent factors that affect their ability
         with the mechanics of learning.                  to manage the school:
         •   Learning is fully integrated with learners’ individual   •  Data:  Principals  lack  the  timely  and  accurate  data
         lifestyles  and  preferred  learning  styles—seamlessly   needed to take action. They know certain students are falling
         adapting to their personal needs and abilities.  behind, but cannot pinpoint possible causes. Principals also

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