Page 51 - EW April 2021
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lack the tools for analyzing raw data. Many principals use and self-directed so teachers can fit it into their busy
old or out-of-date information to make important decisions. lives, when they need it. Their professional development
• Funding: Technology in schools is often grossly under- learning will be immediately applicable in the classroom,
funded, thereby putting additional pressure on principals as well.
to develop innovative financing strategies. Funding not
provided on time makes it difficult for principals to put into In an effective and comprehensive learning ecosystem,
place long-term technology plans. Adroit Mentos can manage their time, streamline
School principal’s challenges could be addressed through administrative tasks, plan effective curriculum, meet
integration of technology. Using technology principals can individual and group learning needs, pursue continuous
manage their time, Streamline administration, employ professional development and communicate with parents,
best practices, stay informed and communicate with peers, and administrators.
To be the real Change Maker, principals should DIGITAL CATALYST - DIGITAL
correlate and direct school-related investments to improve TRANSFORMATION COORDINATORS
technology to achieve goals. Digital Transformation coordinator are teachers
who are trained on technology and assist the school and
CHANGE MAKERS – PRINCIPALS teachers in Digital Transformation. They implement
Teachers are on the “front lines” of education and one technology in every facet of school ecosystem and help
of the most critical factors to student success. They are the and train teachers in technology based teaching learning
designers of learning activities, the providers of feedback process.
and the intermediaries that understand why a particular
student may be thriving or struggling. In today’s knowledge There are a number of challenges that teachers face in the
economy, teachers are required to be accountable for more current learning ecosystem. The following are just a few
information than they have time to absorb. Information of the more prominent factors that affect their ability to
systems must help them assimilate knowledge in a time- teach and learn:
saving, not time-consuming, method. • Student Information: Information about students
ranging from attendance to test scores to discipline reports
In the learning ecosystem, teachers can draw on a is often not readily available to teachers. Teachers must
multitude of rich tools and resources including other know how to navigate disparate information systems to
teachers or mentors. They will benefit from the cumulative access vital information about an individual student.
knowledge and experience of their peers. They will be able to • Professional Development: Traditional
draw on a rich collection of digital learning resources, each professional development can often be time-intensive,
evaluated and ranked by their peers, and accompanied by occurring in a classroom or course setting with a sole focus
detailed documentation on how they were used effectively on how to use technology. Teachers prefer to learn based
by other teachers. Teachers will be able to use automatically on a much closer association of how to infuse the use of
graded assessments to ensure that their students receive technology in their classroom. They also desire professional
timely feedback, and to track how each individual student development strategies and learning approaches that cater
is progressing. Administrative tasks will be automated to to their needs for flexible, real-time learning when they
save their valuable time. need it, individualized learning to fit their unique learning
preferences and levels of understanding, and on-going
Teachers to become Empowered Educators should be reinforcement and support when they need it.
trained and certified on technology enabled teaching tools. • Curricular Materials: Teachers lack access to a
diverse body of curricular materials that allow them to
ADROIT MENTORS - SKILLFUL DIGITAL individualize the learning experience. They typically have
EDUCATOR access to materials that address only one learning style.
Teacher skills and their ability to use technology to • Best Practices: Teachers lack easy access to the best
support best practices around learning are essential for practices of their peers.
creating successful learning environments today. Hence, • Isolation: Many teachers feel isolated from other
professional development must be ongoing and embedded teachers. They lack the opportunity to interact with their
into their daily activities. This learning ecosystem provides peers and other educators.
professional development that’s personalized, convenient, Digital Coordinator is the glue that brings all the