Page 40 - EW April 2021
P. 40

Cover Story

             ture) learned in the previous year. In                            ment schools with Internet and digital
             maths 82 percent of children in class-                            deficits have failed to provide mean-
             es II-VI have lost at least one specific                          ingful online learning to children from
             mathematical  ability  —  identifying                             underprivileged households.
             single  and  two-digit  numbers;  per-                               Moreover, despite the fact that the
             forming arithmetic operations; using                              world over governments have pulled
             basic arithmetic operations for solving                           out  all  stops  to  continue  teaching-
             problems; describing 2D/3D shapes;                                learning in public schools and have
             reading and drawing inferences from                               provided grants, soft loans and direct
             data learned in the previous year.”                               benefit transfers to poor households to
                This representative sample of chil-                            maintain the nutrition and education
             dren was field tested by reliable “deep-                          of  children,  neither  the  prime  min-
             ly engaged teachers” in 44 districts of                           ister’s illusory Rs.20 lakh crore pan-
             Chhattisgarh,  Karnataka,  Madhya                                 demic package, nor the Union budget
             Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttarakhand.                               accorded MSME (micro, small, medi-
             I     N THIS CONNECTION, IT’S per-                                pecially the country’s unique 400,000
                                                                               um enterprises) status to private es-
                                                                               budget private schools (BPS).
                   tinent to note that the learning
                   outcomes of youngest children
                                                                                 Affordably  priced  BPS  are  the
                   in  Uttar  Pradesh  (pop.  215   Pokhriyal: silent spectator  preferred option of children of low-
             million) and Bihar (pop. 104 million)   meetings.                 income  households  who  manage  to
             where government schools are noto-  Worse, even as myopic state gov-  flee  government  schools  defined  by
             rious for chronic teacher truancy and   ernments to curry favour with the sub-  crumbling buildings, chronic teacher
             official apathy, were not tested. Had   sidies-addicted middle class decreed   absenteeism, multi-grade classrooms,
             they been tested, the learning loss of   arbitrary and unrealistic fees ceilings   dysfunctional toilets and rock-bottom
             children nationally would have been   upon the country’s 450,000 indepen-  learning  outcomes.  Consequently
             far greater. In retrospect, it is becom-  dent (‘unaided’)  private schools which   BPS promoters — mainly education-
             ing increasingly clear that the BJP/  host 48 percent of all in-school chil-  ists driven by the spirit of enlightened
             NDA  government’s  hasty  March  17   dren,  and  brazenly  advised  parents   self-interest  —  have  conspicuously
             decision  to  order  the  closure  of  all   not to pay duly contracted school fees   been denied interest payment mora-
             schools countrywide — and prolong-  while ordering school managements   toria, soft loans and tax concessions
             ing the shut-down of all campuses and   to continue paying teachers and staff   to which MSMEs are entitled.
             classrooms — hasn’t been sufficiently   salaries, the Hon’ble minister — who   Against  this  grim  backdrop  of
             discussed and debated.           doesn’t speak a word of English, the   multi-pronged  attacks  on  private
                According  to  all  indicators,  this   official language of business, admin-  schools by the Centre (which has de-
             huge unfolding tragedy in the making   istration, the judiciary — has been a   nied  them  MSME  status)  and  state
             doesn’t seem to bother Union educa-  mum  observer  to  bullying  attempts   governments  (which  have  imposed
             tion minister Ramesh Pokhriyal.   to sabotage the private education sys-  ruinous  fees  ceilings  and  encour-
             Despite  the  prolonged  closure  of   tem.                       aged parents to renege on their fees
             schools  and  the  huge  learning  and   In this connection, it’s important   payment contracts), as also parents
             nutrition loss suffered by 132 million   to  note  that  the  majority  of  private   associations on the warpath demand-
             children  in  1.2  million  digitally  ill-  schools have switched to the digital   ing  fee  cuts  and  concessions,  Dr.
             equipped government schools coun-  online mode of education delivery to   Pokhriyal — who adamantly refuses
             trywide,  the  Union  budget  2021-22   ensure  learning  continuity  of  their   repeated requests to explain his poli-
             presented to Parliament and the na-  students. On the other hand govern-  cies and viewpoint to EducationWorld
             tion on February 1 slashed the Central                            despite  this  21-year-old  publication
             government’s allocation for education   Union education minister   being by far the country’s #1 educa-
             from the Rs.99,312 crore budgeted for                             tion news magazine — restricts him-
             2020-21 to Rs.93,224 crore next year.   Ramesh Pokhriyal has      self to occasionally contributing self-
             Nevertheless, Pokhriyal — a former   been a mum observer to       congratulatory essays to mainstream
             RSS  pracharak  and  less-than-suc-                               newspapers.
             cessful  author  of  hyper-nationalist   state governments bullying   In his latest missive titled ‘A Lesson
             fiction — remained a silent spectator   attempts to sabotage the   from India’ published in the Economic
             and reportedly failed to raise any pro-  private education system  Times (March 18), the Union educa-
             test within pre-budget Union cabinet                              tion minister writes that “the Indian

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