Page 29 - EW April 2021
P. 29
ing Deloitte, KPMG and Hindustan Moreover, there are 16 special
Unilever. Last year, UBS attracted ADMISSION & FEES interest student clubs (innovation,
a record 310 companies to partici- financial, research, marketing and
pate in campus recruitment for final Prospective students should apply case studies, etc) on campus.
placement and summer internships. online https://universalbusinesss- Looking ahead, Anand is
UBS graduates received 183 em- enthused by several provisions
ployment offers with 25 students Fees (annual) of the new National Education
receiving multiple offers at an aver- Undergrad (BBA): Rs.4.28 lakh Policy 2020 to transfer credits,
age annual remuneration of Rs.8.13 Postgrad (MBA): Rs.8.48-11 lakh promote interdisciplinary learning,
lakh,” says Anand. international linkages and its
To provide its students a holistic Accommodation: Rs.1.78 lakh commitment to research. “We are
education experience, the UBS For further information, visit https:// already implementing much of
management has liberally invested in what NEP 2020 advocates and are
campus infrastructure and facilities. admission-process looking forward to more intensive
Set amidst rolling green hills, this international linkages. UBS is also
latter-day B-school’s sprawling preparing to apply for the prestigious
campus is equipped with a main grown on-campus. Association to Advance Collegiate
academic block housing 130-seat Sports facilities include an indoor Schools of Business (AACSB)
amphitheatre-style classrooms fitted sports centre with a fully-equipped international accreditation which
with V-Sat connectivity to facilitate gym, health and yoga centre, movie is synonymous with the highest
lectures by international faculty and theater and lounge, facilities for standards of excellence. Only six
touch screen interactive boards. table tennis, snooker, pool, carrom B-schools in India thus far have
The wholly residential B-school and chess. Outdoor sports facilities received AACSB accreditation,”
hosts seven hostels and a two- include a flood-lit football and says Anand, who is also drawing up
floor cafeteria which serves meals cricket ground, basketball, volleyball, a blueprint to launch a greenfield
prepared from organic produce tennis and badminton courts. multi-disciplinary university.
National University of Singapore
Its rigorous academic programmes and high-
quality research have earned this prosperous
island nation’s oldest university the reputation
of Asia’s premier higher education institution
(NUS, estb.1905) is the island nation’s oldest and
most internationally reputed higher education
Tinstitution. Its rigorous academic programmes
and high-quality research have earned it the reputation of
the premier centre of higher education in Asia. In the QS
World University Rankings 2021 NUS is ranked #11, while
the Times Higher Education ranks it #25 in its WUR 2021.
Spread across three contemporary campuses in Sin-
gapore, NUS has also established 11 overseas colleges in NUS Kent Ridge campus: global premier higher ed centre
China (Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing), Israel, Sweden
(Stockholm), United States (Silicon Valley and New York), in engineering, social sciences, natural science, life sci-
Canada (Toronto), Switzerland (Lausanne) and Germany ences and biomedicine. It hosts an awesome 29 research
(Munich). Founded in 1905 as a modest medical school by institutes and three of Singapore’s five Research Centres
a group of local businessmen, this 115-year-old institution of Excellence.
has changed hands (and names) several times before the Currently, NUS’ 17 multi-disciplinary colleges offer 300
National University of Singapore was established follow- undergraduate and postgrad programmes to 43,885 stu-
ing the merger of the University of Singapore and Nanyang dents from over 100 countries mentored by 2,314 faculty.
University in 1980. Notable alumni include Kofi Annan, former secretary-gen-
NUS is especially reputed for its high-impact research eral of the United Nations; Benjamin Sheares, former presi-