Page 25 - EW April 2021
P. 25
syndrome. Any child suffering & scared.
from persistent fever and persistent • How can we educate children
diarrhoea with bloody stools about COVID -19 in order to reduce
should be taken to the paediatrician discrimination amongst children?
immediately. I believe that children learn from
• Can children be asymptomatic us and we should lead by example.
carriers? Our actions and words are what our
It is most likely that majority children will eventually pick up. As
of the children are asymptomatic adults we need to empathise with
carriers. There will be a very those that are affected by the virus, be
high risk for elders at home supportive and not discriminate and
especially grandparents and most simultaneously teach our children the
likely transmit the virus to them same. There is a lot of social stigma
unknowingly. attached to this infection and it is
• How can school staff safeguard important that we teach our children Dr. Maffazal Lakdawala
themselves and children from the not to discriminate against those that
virus? have been afflicted by it. It is also
The staff and especially teachers important that we ensure that our do not go too close to them. That is
are role models for the children. children are not scared of the virus probably the best thing we can do
So they should ensure that they and inform them that there are a lot to keep our kids safe. My son is not
are masked up at all times. They of people who get the virus and come allowed to meet the twins until he has
should make sure that there is social of it unscathed. It is important for us had a shower or if he’s been outside
distancing amongst the staff. Those as parents to teach our children the and has washed his hand thoroughly.
that are assigned to monitor the kids important of masking and also tell We have also invested in face shields
while they are eating should ensure people who are not wearing masks specifically for babies that they use
that the children are socially distant to do so and to physically distance when they go for their regular doctor
and that they are not sharing their themselves from those that are not visits.
food. Those who are assigned to clean complying to social distancing norms. • Do you have guests coming over at
the washrooms should ensure that • What is a COVID Protocol your home?
they are sanitised at regular intervals kids follow? What are their ages? No, we are also maintaining our
and standards are maintained and My son is 7 years of age and he is very own bio bubble. Between our
that children are following COVID masked up at all times as he sees his parents and a handful of very close
appropriate behaviour. If staff and father always masked up. He also friends who understand the nature of
teachers are eligible for the vaccine does point out to people that aren’t the pandemic and respect all safety
they should vaccinate immediately. wearing masks or not wearing masks measures, we don’t have anyone
If they notice any symptoms of properly. The only time he doesn’t coming over.
COVID themselves or amongst wear a mask is while practising • Should parents look at vaccination
their family members they should cricket. He has his close circle of four options?
not go to school and get themselves friends who he regularly socialises As long as you fall under the age
tested immediately. Another thing with. I know that all the mothers have limit of the vaccination guidelines or
that schools could do is ensure that worked out certain safety protocols alternatively have the option to get
all staff and teachers are tested at to make sure their bio bubble is never vaccinated by being a frontline or
least once weekly with RTPCR and contaminated and not safe. healthcare worker, you should by all
probably during the mid-week they • You have infants also at home, any means take the dose. This will only
could do the Rapid Antigen Test. special COVID-19 protocol for them? help the community cut down the
Schools should make this practice My twins are of 9 months; we spread in the long run.
compulsory for all the staff. ensure that they are kept out of harm • Is it safe to visit a dentist or an
• What could be the potential mental and that they are at home and do not ophthalmologist?
health outcome of isolation and social meet strangers. Those that are not The pandemic is here to stay, we
distancing? tested regularly would only meet may as well consider the virus as
Lockdown, curfews and isolation them wearing masks at all times part of our daily lives. But that does
can potentially cause anxiety and and use hand sanitizers. I get tested not mean we ignore it. While visiting
fear among children. Not being able every day as that is the policy at H.N a dentist or an ophthalmologist do
to meet friends or attend birthday Reliance hospital since I meet patients make sure all safety precautions
celebrations or sporting activities that could be positive. If I do not get are taken and we maintain the local
can put a toll on their mental health, tested for a few days by any means COVID – 19 rules and regulations
causing them to be worried, anxious then I wear a mask at all times and strictly.