Page 27 - EW April 2021
P. 27
Education Briefs
New blockchain study 10,000 individual entries from across industry.
With an investment of Rs.2.5 crore,
program the country. The knowledge partner they will provide holistic skills train-
for the India edition of Imagine Cup
BENGALURU, MARCH 4. Simplilearn — a 2021 was the National Skill Develop- ing to 100 women students from mar-
San Francisco-based global digital ment Corporation (NSDC). ginalised communities enrolled in col-
skills training provider, announced a “Microsoft’s Imagine Cup com- leges in Mumbai. The chosen students
partnership with IIT-Kanpur to offer petition is a commitment to create a will be trained for careers in the IT/
an exclusive Professional Certificate culture of innovation among students, ITES and BFSI industries.
Program in Blockchain Technology. enabling them to use technology for “We are happy to be associated
Delivered via Simplilearn’s learn- solving critical social and sustainabili- with non-profit TIF to deliver skills
ing model, this intensive program is ty problems. I wish our winning teams training programmes for women from
designed to provide learners with a luck as they prepare for the global marginalised communities for the IT/
clear competitive advantage through stage,” said Anant Maheshwari, ITES sector. We believe that technol-
an ideal blend of conceptual training president, Microsoft India, speaking ogy companies have the capability to
and applied learning. on the occasion. enable diversity and inclusion. Thus
“Given the enormous scope of far, Lenovo has empowered 47 wom-
blockchain, organisations across in- Tejas teacher training en from disadvantaged communities
dustries are now absorbing this tech- across India through its philanthropic
nology. The global blockchain market initiative initiatives,” said Rahul Agarwal,
size is expected to grow from US $3 CEO-MD of Lenovo India, speaking
billion in 2020 to US $39.7 billion by MUMBAI, MARCH 19. Tejas, an innova- on the occasion.
2025, at an impressive CAGR of 67.3 tive teacher training project delivered
percent during this period. In light of by the British Council in association AM/NS-BITS-Pilani
this, we are happy to collaborate with with Tata Trusts and the Maharashtra
IIT-Kanpur to offer a comprehensive state government, has been success- program
program on blockchain technology. fully completed. The project’s objec-
This in-depth program will provide tive was to train government primary SURAT, MARCH 1. ArcelorMittal Nippon
extensive knowledge of blockchain school teachers across Maharashtra to Steel India (AM/NS India), a joint
concepts and will enable learners to improve their English language pro- venture between ArcelorMittal and
boost their career prospects in sev- ficiency. The project trained 51,000 Nippon Steel — two of the world’s larg-
eral industries,” said Anand Naray- teachers in 36 districts of Maharash- est steel companies — signed a memo-
anan, chief product officer of Simpli- tra, teaching 1.4 million children in randum of understanding (MoU) with
learn. public schools. the Birla Institute of Technology &
The Project Tejas completion cer- Science (BITS-Pilani) to introduce a
Imagine Cup India winners emony was attended by Ms Varsha sponsored B.Tech Process Engineer-
ing Work Integrated Learning degree
Gaikwad, minister of school educa-
NEW DELHI, MARCH 10. Microsoft Inc tion of the government of Maharash- programme for in-service engineers.
announced the India winners of the tra; Barbara Wickham, director The duration of this online program
2021 edition of the company’s Imag- (India) of the British Council; Dr. Jo- for in-service professionals is three
ine Cup innovation challenge for stu- van Ilic, director (West India) of the and a half years and will be conducted
dents and technology enthusiasts. The British Council; Amrita Patward- digitally by BITS, Pilani faculty. The
India winners, Team Detected of the han, head of education, Tata Trusts, course also enables participants easy
G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering, among others. access to the institute’s online state-
Nagpur, and Team Intelli-Sense from of-the-art laboratories and libraries.
the Vellore Institute of Technology Women skilling initiative “We are proud to partner with
will proceed directly to the world fi- BITS-Pilani as it is among the best
nals of Imagine Cup scheduled to be BENGALURU, MARCH 9. The Beijing- technical education institutes of the
held online in April. based multi-national Lenovo Group country. We are confident this pro-
Imagine Cup is a global competi- Ltd announced a partnership with gram will build a strong knowledge
tion designed to empower students the Washington (USA)-based Tech- base and confidence in our young
to apply artificial intelligence and noServe International Foundation engineers and help them successfully
other technologies to solve some of (TIF) to empower women in tech- manage challenging assignments as
the world’s most critical social and nology by upskilling them in STEM they grow with AM/NS India,” said
sustainability problems. The 2021 (science, technology, engineering & Anil Matoo, chief people officer, AM/
India edition attracted 353 team and mathematics) subjects for careers in NS India, speaking on the occasion.