Page 24 - EW April 2021
P. 24



         •  When is it safe to reopen schools   •  Is it safe for young children to   not overdo it to risk anxiety and
         for children below 10 years of age?  wear masks? And at what age should   mental fatigue). Not being able to
           This is more a question that the   masks be made compulsory for   socialise and being physically distant
         government should be concerned   children                         sometimes even with family members
         about. As a parent your concern    It is safe for children of age 5 and   and close friends can potentially have
         should be that if your kids are to go   above to wear masks. Make sure that   an effect on their mental health which
         back to school how sure are you that   the masks are not too tight or that   could lead to tantrums and emotional
         the rest of the kids are not carrying   asphyxiate them. Make sure that they   distress. This also is an ideal situation
         the virus into the school. One can   do not wear masks while running or   to bulidin on and encourage the child
         monitor the staff and teachers   playing active sports.           to take on a hobby of interest. It could
         but difficult to monitor the kids.   •  What do you think could be the   be music, art or any extracurricular
         Therefore the question one needs   long term effects of the pandemic   activity that may interest the child.
         to ask oneself is are your kids safe   on children - Physical, mental and   With many online options this is
         enough for the school or are the   emotional health?              one of the most productive ways to
         schools safe enough for your kids.   The last pandemic was almost   deal with the lockdown and current
         •  Once the children are back in   90 years ago. We are yet to know   restrictions.
         classrooms what precautions do we   the long term effects on the mental   •  What are your top
         need to take from air purification and   health of kids. They have suddenly   recommendations to reduce the
         ventilation view point?          lost an entire year and stand the risk   spread of the virus in schools?
           Most of our kids are used to air   of losing another year which are   1) Most important that children,
         conditioned classrooms. I think   important for their developmental   staff and teachers should be masked
         first and foremost we need is to do   profile. From a physical point of   up at all times.
         away with that. We need to have   view, as long as kids are actively   2) All classrooms should have
         as much cross ventilated rooms as   playing and not addicted to the   open air rooms with plenty of cross
         possible. We need to make sure that   TV and playing only indoor games   ventilation and lots of fans so that
         there are enough fans and a proper   they should be fine. Parents need to   there is no static air in the classrooms.
         ventilation system. We should also   supervise and restrict screen time and   3) Hand sanitisers should be
         ensure that the temperature of all   maybe substitute individual activities   available at frequent spots in the
         the kids is checked at entry, and if   with group activities such as a movie   entire school, there should also
         any child has a cough, cold or a fever   night. Children need to have some   be enough of soap and water for
         it is the responsibility of the parent   form of outing and outdoor time that   children to wash their hands.
         not to send the kids to school or for   should be supervised by the parents.   Washrooms should be sanitised at
         the schools to send the kids back   Parents should also be mindful of the   regular intervals.
         home immediately. Another thing   food that children are consuming in   4) All dining areas should be
         that the schools need to make sure   order to prevent unnecessary weight   supervised and children should
         is that they sanitise their bathrooms   gain and the diseases associated   not be allowed to share their food
         and someone is dedicated round the   with it by planning innovative yet   at any point of time and should be
         clock to sanitise the bathrooms. There   healthy food options and not reach   physically distant.
         should be enough of soap and water   a level of saturation. Eye health due   •  Do COVID-19 symptoms differ
         for children to wash their hands and   to prolonged exposure to screens   between children and adults?
         sanitizers placed at various areas   (home-schooling etc), vitamin D   Most common symptoms are
         around the school as well.       deficiency due to prolonged duration   fever, cough and cold, and diarrhoea
                                          indoors are also some things that
                                                     need to be kept in    in some cases. Majority of the
                                                     mind. Mentally and    children are asymptomatic or mildly
                                                     emotionally I believe   symptomatic.
                                                     that it is important   •  Is there a concern for high risk
                                                     that we as caregivers   children? e.g. those suffering from
                                                     be available to our   asthma?
                                                     children, constantly    Asthma should not be too much
                                                     speak, discuss and    of a concern with COVID -19. What
                                                     educate them of the   should be of concern is the Toxic
                                                     current scenario (but   Shock syndrome or the Kawasaki

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