Page 28 - EW April 2021
P. 28
Institution Profile
Universal Business School, Karjat
Established in 2009, UBS is a wholly residential B-school, two hours drive from Mumbai,
dispensing contemporary international business management education in association with
several globally top-ranked offshore universities
PREAD ACROSS 40 acres in
a pristine valley near Karjat,
a two-hour drive from
SIndia’s commercial capital
Mumbai, the Universal Business
School (UBS, estb.2009) is a wholly
residential B-school dispensing
contemporary international busi-
ness management education to 480
students from 20 countries. Ranked
among Mumbai’s Top 5 B-schools
by the Times of India and The Week,
UBS has established an excellent
reputation for its experiential un-
dergrad BBA programme, postgrad
diploma and executive development
programmes delivered in association
with top-ranked foreign universities
including the Cardiff Metropolitan
University, UK; Northeastern Illinois
University, Chicago; Lincoln Univer-
sity, USA; Swiss School of Manage-
ment, Italy and INSEEC Business
School, France. UBS campus vista: experiential education focus. Inset: Tarun Anand
Founded by the late Gurdip
Singh Anand (1942-2019),
a highly-respected business our students to mature into ethical, and around the world, the school is
management educator with global business leaders capable offering its executive programmes in
teaching experience in the of building strong and resilient the digital mode, while 300 students
country’s top-ranked B-schools organisations while adhering to who returned to campus in February
including Jamnalal Bajaj Institute the highest standards of corporate are attending in-person classes.
of Management Studies, S.P. Jain governance,” says Tarun Anand, “The defining feature of UBS is
Institute of Management Research an alum of the Tuck Business School not only what we teach but how we
(SPJIMR) and Narsee Monjee (USA), Michigan Ross School of teach. The UBS Board of Governors
Institute of Management Studies Business (USA), IE Business School comprising 60 CEOs, directors, and
(all in Mumbai), together with son (Spain) and SPJIMR (India). business leaders of top-ranked cor-
Tarun, former chairman and MD of Currently, UBS offers the porates reviews the school’s academ-
Thomson Reuters, South Asia, UBS undergrad BBA and BA degree ic andragogies and processes twice
boasts a stellar board of governors. programmes, postgrad MBA and each year to ensure that our cur-
Among them: Madhav Kalyan, PGDM (postgrad diploma in riculums are in sync with changing
MD & CEO, JP Morgan, South Asia; management) in collaboration with industry dynamics and our faculty is
Motilal Oswal, chairman, Motilal Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK; up-to-date with latest international
Oswal Financial Services, and Dr. Masters in business analytics with pedagogies and business practice.
Indira Parikh, former dean, IIM- the University of Dallas, US; the Moreover, we ensure academic
Ahmedabad. The school’s 30-strong MBA programme of the Swiss School rigour through innovative projects
faculty is highly qualified with seven of Management, Italy; and a Global and mandatory research assign-
of them serving as advisory council MBA (Cardiff, IIM-Indore and ments by developing students’ social
members of the globally-respected UBS). Other international higher ed perspectives through a compulsory
Harvard Business Review. partners include INSEEC Business ten-day on-site rural experience.
“In UBS, our prime objective is to School, France and University of Our students are industry-ready
provide contemporary, experiential Economics, Bulgaria. the moment they graduate and are
and industry aligned business With the Covid-19 pandemic quickly snapped up by the world’s
management education to enable still rampaging across the country most respected companies includ-