Page 26 - EW April 2021
P. 26
Education Notes
DELHI empowering the nation. PUNJAB to 1:28 during the past
DBSE registered Anandam is aligned with Mass teacher decade. “In the past five
the National Education years, the state govern-
NEW DELHI, MARCH 30. Policy (NEP) 2020 which transfers ment has recruited over
The first annual general aims to achieve holistic CHANDIGARH, MARCH 24. 13,900 primary teachers
body meeting of the well-being and stress- Chief minister Amarinder and over 3,900 second-
Delhi Board of School free campuses,” said the Singh ordered a digital ary and higher secondary
Education (DBSE) — the minister, speaking on the mass transfer of 10,099 teachers. We are planning
latest of India’s 31 state occasion. government school teach- to recruit another 5,810
examination boards — was ers as per the provisions secondary and higher sec-
held to discuss registration ARUNACHAL PRADESH of the Teachers Transfer ondary teachers soon,” he
and constitution of the First tribal school Policy, 2019, said an of- informed the House.
board. ficial government notifica-
Establishment of DBSE ITANAGAR, MARCH 21. Chief tion released by educa- NAGALAND
was given Delhi govern- minister Pema Khandu in- tion minister Vijay Inder Fake documents
ment approval on March 6 augurated Nyubu Nyvgam Singla.
following which the board Yerko, the state’s first for- “The teachers’ transfer scandal
was formally registered mal indigenous language policy has been instru- KOHIMA, MARCH 26. Three
on March 19. In the first and knowledge systems mental in ensuring that persons have been ar-
phase, 25 government school, in East Kameng high quality teachers are rested from neighbouring
schools in Delhi state will district. available to all government Assam in connection with
be affiliated with DBSE in “This first-of-its-type schools statewide and all a fake educational cer-
the academic year 2021- school will promote and vacancies are filled,” said tificates and marksheets
22. preserve indigenous tradi- the education minister, scandal, said a spokesper-
“The main objective of tions, culture and languag- speaking on the occasion. son of the CID Branch of
DBSE is for the assess- es. A sum of Rs.3 crore Moreover, he added Nagaland Police.
ment system to become a has been allocated for that computer teachers The racket involving
‘partner of learning’ and development and upkeep and education volunteers some Assam-based IT pro-
not an ‘authority of test- of the school,” said the were included within the fessionals was unearthed
ing’. Moreover, we want to chief minister, addressing ambit of the Teachers after a month of coordi-
encourage a growth mind- media personnel. Transfer Policy. nated raids in Beltola,
set among students, which In his media briefing, Guwahati and Kokrajhar
can be strengthened by the chief minister ac- GUJARAT during which various
making it a part of regular knowledged the contribu- Massive teacher documents including fake
assessment,” said Manish tion of the Donyi Polo marksheets, seals of the
Sisodia, deputy chief and Cultural and Charitable vacancies Nagaland Board of Sec-
education minister of the Trust for conceptualising GANDHINAGAR, MARCH 24. ondary Education (NBSE)
Delhi government, speak- and designing the school Against the sanctioned and electronic equipment
ing on the occasion. and Pai Dawe for donat- strength of 671 princi- were seized.
ing land for this gurukul- pals in state government The scandal came to
J & K inspired institution. “My secondary schools, 564 light when the matter was
IIM-J’s happiness government is committed posts are vacant. Simulta- reported to the state police
by Asano Sekhose, chair-
neously, 1,470 posts of the
to preserving the indige-
centre nous culture of Arunachal. sanctioned 2,120 science, man of NBSE. Sekhose
JAMMU, MARCH 30. Union The Department of In- mathematics and English says his suspicions were
education minister Ra- digenous Affairs has been teachers are unfilled, Bu- aroused when marksheets
mesh Pokhriyal formally established specifically for pendrasingh Chudasama, and certificates sent to
inaugurated Anandam, a the purpose,” he said. the state’s education min- NBSE for verification by
happiness centre, at the Moreover, the CM also ister, informed the state a number of technical
Indian Institute of Man- publicly thanked the Vive- legislative assembly. institutes in Tamil Nadu
agement (IIM)-Jammu. kananda Kendra Vidya- Tabling budgetary and Karnataka were found
“Incorporating hap- laya Group for assuming demands of the education to be fake.
piness within B-schools responsibility to provide ministry, Chudasama said
academic curriculums is a formal education to stu- the student-teacher ratio Paromita Sengupta with bureau
very crucial step towards dents of the school. has improved from 1:40 inputs