Page 74 - EW April 2021
P. 74


             Engaging &                                                                starting to write a new his-

             timely tome                 THE BATTLE OF BELONGING                       tory as an egalitarian, one-
                                                                                       man-one-vote democracy.
                                         Shashi Tharoor
                                         RUPA PUBLICATIONS                             It compares and contrasts
                                                                                       the RSS/BJP’s intoler-
                F SHASHI THAROOR,                                                      ant hindutva philosophy
                Member of Parlia-        Pages 462                                     with Mahatma Gandhi’s
             Iment and author of 16                                                    inclusive and humane
             masterly English language                                                 Hinduism, and investi-
             non-fiction books of deep                                                 gates the Bharat vs. India
             erudition and three fiction                                               fault-line, the widening
             titles, had been born a   all-conquering political   Empowerment          North-South divide while
             white Christian American,   party, is trying its best to   and protection   advising the public of the
             he would surely have com-  transform contemporary   of independent        importance of reaffirm-
             pleted at least one term in   India into an intolerant,   institutions against   ing our commitment to
             the White House by now.   majoritarian Hindu nation.   the whims and fancies   Tagore’s ‘idea of India’ and
                 A successful politcian,   This conscientiously re-  of strongmen is the   civic nationalism (commit-
             accomplished literateur,   searched, brilliantly writ-  theme song of this   ment to common binding
             exceptional wordsmith    ten book is divided into six   timely book       values) as opposed to the
             skilled in the cut and   sections. It opens with the                      exclusionary ethno-reli-
             thrust of parliamentary   Idea of Nationalism, traces                     gious nationalism of the
             and intellectual debate   its rise around the world   the founding fathers of   ruling dispensation that’s
             and gifted with personable   and highlights the histori-  the nation who painstak-  hell-bent on alienating
             charm, a white Tharoor   cal truth that nationalism   ingly crafted our uniquely   the country’s 150-million
             would have been the      is a relatively recent 18th   egalitarian and inclusive   strong Muslim community
             natural successor of John   century phenomenon that   Constitution, and trans-  for wrongs rooted in previ-
             F. Kennedy, arguably the   arose out of the American   form it into a Hindu   ous centuries.
             most charismatic presi-  (1776) and French (1789)   majoritarian rashtra or   Compelling the reader
             dent in the history of the   revolutions.         “Hindu Pakistan”.       forward, in the last section
             United States.             The second section, The   Section four highlights   titled Reclaiming India’s
                Unfortunately for     Idea of India which has six   the on-going “battle of   Soul, the author offers a
             him — but fortunately for   chapters, traces the his-  belonging” and ‘Modi-fi-  prescription on ways and
             latter-day India, Tharoor   tory of the Indian subcon-  cation’ agenda of the RSS/  means to extricate the
             is a brown Indian. And un-  tinent, an agglomeration   BJP and their hand-picked   nation which by following
             like many of our country-  of over 500 kingdoms and   prime minister Narendra   false heroes with bankrupt
             men would rather serve in   princedoms owing fealty   Modi to erode the coun-  ideologies has entered a
             heaven than rule in hell, he   to Imperial Great Britain   try’s democratic institu-  cul-de-sac of its own mak-
             chose to become an Indian   which ruled for almost   tions, impose Hindi as   ing. For a start, Tharoor
             citizen and proud Hindu   two centuries before a   the lingua franca, demote   reminds us that for all its
             of the liberal school of this   united India emerged   the Muslim community,   swagger and proclaimed
             ancient creed, which has   after the freedom struggle.   encourage (“soft signal”)   mandate to overturn the
             made a big comeback in   Since then (1947), it has   religious and communal   legacy of Mahatma Gandhi
             its most illiberal avatar, in   evolved into the world’s   bigotry and enshrine the   and leaders of the freedom
             21st century India.      most populous democracy,   Hindu rashtra, by invok-  movement — in which the
                Unsurprisingly, Tharoor   governed according to the   ing ancient glories.   RSS/BJP was conspicu-
             has emerged as the most   mandate of an extraordi-  The fifth section of this   ously missing in action
             articulate public intel-  narily liberal Constitution   absorbing history-cum-  – and alter the basic struc-
             lectual and critic of the   — a “living document”.  sociology polemic titled   ture of the Constitution of
             BJP which swept the        In the third section of   The Anxiety of Nationhood   the world’s most populous
             General Elections of 2014   this 462-page book, the   discusses the fractures  democracy, the BJP re-
             and 2019, and inspired by   learned author focuses   manifesting in India’s   ceived a mere 31 percent of
             the regressive Rashtriya   light on The Hindutva   unique national develop-  the national vote in 2014,
             Swayamsevak Sangh, the   Idea of India espoused   ment project which began   and 37 percent in 2019.
             shadowy ideological men-  by RSS/BJP. In sum, it   70 years ago with an      “If India is to reclaim its
             tor organisation of this   is to reverse the legacy of   underdeveloped country   soul, the urgent national

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