Page 77 - EW April 2021
P. 77

government in Beijing,   on the wealth of the Pla-  a globalised culture: blue   tions began — mostly, but
             after initially playing nice,   teau as they ease popu-  jeans, mobile phones, and   by no means exclusively,
             soon exposes its duplicity   lation pressure in their   (as Demick often notes   the final desperate acts of
             and brutality. All of the   traditional heartlands.   when reporting from   young monks resident in
             tragedies of the early   Tibetans, overwhelmingly   inside Tibetan homes)   local monasteries. Over
             decades of Communist     subdued, watch all this   posters of pop stars adorn-  a hundred occur before
             China — trigger-happy    with a growing sense of   ing walls.             they taper off several years
             Red Army revolutionaries,   agitation and awareness of   Besides a fair shake   later.
             the Great Leap Forward   their own poverty.       economically, the freedom   Now Beijing’s sights
             famine, and the Cultural   Demick warns against   to practice their religion   are set on the peripheral
             Revolution — are         indulging an Orientalis-  unimpeded by Chinese   autonomous provinces:
             experienced by Tibetans in   ing fantasy. Too often,   meddling is a pivotal   Inner Mongolia, where
             wanton suffering.        Tibetans are seen by out-  concern for Tibetans.   the school curriculum was
                The liberalisation of the   siders — especially in the   The Communist regime   changed last year from
             1980s offers some relief,   West — as rosy-cheeked   perennially denounces   half Mongolian to fully
             but, as market reforms   nomads who, with their   the revered Dalai Lama   Chinese; Xinjiang, where
             kick in and China becomes   horses, yaks and tents,   as a separatist criminal   up to a million Turkic-
             rich and assertive, Tibet-  live pure lives dedicated to   and is relentless in trying   speaking Uighurs are
             ans are at the losing end.   religious enlightenment.   to reshape Tibet’s ancient   currently incarcerated in
             They are distrusted ethnic   Such a denial of modernity   Buddhist traditions in its   re-education camps; and
             minorities, discriminated   is utterly false; the truth is   own new mould. Unsur-  finally, Tibet, the subject
             against in an overwhelm-  less rosy.              prisingly, this leads to   of this book, and a region
             ingly Han country. En-     The hope for economic   insurrectionist strife.   where the pressure is
             couraged by Beijing, Han   prosperity comes with all   In 2008, an uprising   unceasing.
             settlers move in from the   the trappings and aspira-  was brutally crushed. Later   CAMERON SAUNDERS
             East, enriching themselves   tions of young people in   that year, the self-immola-  (The Book Review)

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