Page 75 - EW April 2021
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                                          LIFE EDUCARE: An Educator’s mission to

                                          enrich Indian K-12 Education

           ncepted in 2009 and subsequently
           restructured as a private limited company
           in 2011, LIFE EDUCARE is a K-12
       Ieducation company that provides strategic
       advisory and project management services. Its
       wide selection of turnkey school setup services
       include campus architecture and design,
       school setup support, recruitment and talent   Dr. Dhirendra Mishra
       management, curriculum planning, training   Founder-director, LIFE EDUCARE  Abhiney Singh, director, LIFE EDUCARE
       & audit, educo-legal advisory, statutory and
       regulatory compliances, admissions branding and    nternational  esidential  chool   agal ot    provide teacher recruitment and incentivisation
                                          all ranked among the Top 10 in their cities in
                                                                           aid and advice, curriculum and pedagogy design
       pro ect finance guidance.          the EducationWorld India School Rankings   services, admissions branding, among other
         “LIFE EDUCARE is the labour of love of a   2020-21.               services,” says Dr Dhirendra Mishra.
       teacher who dared to dream big. And true to   “My driving objective was to use my   “LIFE EDUCARE customises all the services
       the saying that dreams do not let people sleep,   expertise to enable edupreneurs to smoothly   which an institution promoter needs from a
       I worked relentlessly to realise my vision of   promote and manage K-12 schools.   franchise operator,” he adds.
       building a company which provides end-to-  Unfortunately, in India, starting a school
       end school management services to enable   requires a plethora of government permissions   Beating the game with “feet on the
       children across the country especially in tier 2   in addition to fulfilling e am board affiliation   street”
       and 3 towns in India access high-quality K-12   norms. The mission statement of LIFE   Over the past decade, under the decisive
       education. A decade ago, I coined the acronym   EDUCARE is to facilitate the establishment of   leadership of Dr. Mishra — who has traversed
       ‘LIFE’ – Looking Into the Future of Education   high-quality K-12 schools across the country,”   over 600 of the 723 districts in India to acquire
       – with the objective of equipping India’s K-12   says Mishra.       a deep understanding of the K-12 education
       schools with the skills and practices needed to   In particular, over the past decade, Mishra   sector — LIFE EDUCARE has gone one notch
       prepare children for the 21st century. Ten eventful   and the LIFE team has been focused on   above run-of-the-mill education consultancies by
       years of contributing to the success of several   enabling new-age education entrepreneurs   being a “feet on the street organisation” providing
       educational institutions motivates us to renew our   (‘edupreneurs’) in small town India – tier II, III   end-to-end project management support to its
       commitment to providing innovative ideas and   and IV cities — to establish English-medium   institutional clients.
       services to enable client schools to transform   internationally benchmarked private K-12   Having catered to schools in Tier II and Tier
       into internationally benchmarked world-class   schools.  f the    schools which      has   III cities during its initial years, LIFE EDUCARE’s
       primary-secondaries,” says Dr. Dhirendra Mishra,   helped set up, over    are in tier   ,     and   clientele presently includes K-12 institutions
       founder-director of LIFE EDUCARE. A highly-     cities such as  methi,  agal ot,  orbi,   across diverse categories — affordable, premium
       respected education leader, Mishra has also   Cuttack, Jamnagar and Amravati. “Over the   and residential - in India’s Tier I cities as well as
       provided valuable counsel to the promoters and   past decade, the action in K-12 education has   overseas.
       leaders of several greenfield pro ects in higher   shifted from the metros to small towns. With   “We have come a long way since we started
       education. Also a University of Cambridge (UK)   tier II-IV cities becoming the new centres of   as a one-man army ten years ago. Subsequently,
                                          India’s economic growth story, there’s pressing
       certified teacher, he has trained over  ,      demand from parents for English-medium   with better understanding of the market and
       teachers across the country thus far.  education for their children. Fortunately, a new   our customers  needs, we have diversified and
          ith offices in  aipur and  angalore and   tribe of edupreneurs has sprung up to meet   expanded to offer several unique services that
       clients spread across 17 states countrywide and   this rising demand. In 2018, we received over   have been readily welcomed by our partner
       abroad (Kuwait and Abu Dhabi), LIFE EDUCARE   200 inquiries from aspiring school promoters   schools. Motivated by the consistently rising
       - which is celebrating its 10th anniversary in   based in tier II-V cities every year. They are   demand for contemporary K-12 education,
       April, 2021 - has enabled the establishment of   eager to meet the rising demand for English   we are now in the process of starting our own
       over    greenfield school pro ects across  ndia   medium schools affiliated with the  elhi   chain of schools — the LIFE Schools — on a
       and assisted over 20 schools with institutional   based         ndia s largest national school    partnership in revenue  model.  t will be the first
       upgradation.  mong them       nternational   e amination board with over   ,    affiliated   chain of schools in the country to benefit from
       School (Shillong) the Jain International School   schools. However, because education is   the entire range of LIFE EDUCARE’s services.
       (Aurangabad), Vidyanchal The School (Akola),   still heavily regulated by state governments,   Moreover, the curriculum delivery will be a class
       The Achievers School (Nagpur), Sri Satya   promoters need proper guidance and hand   apart with credible enrichment programmes
        ai  idyalaya          amnagar   a arshi   holding. Our job at LIFE EDUCARE is to   integrated in the curriculum,” says Abhiney
       Rananjay Sinh Global School (Amethi) and Tejas   guide them through the regulatory system,   Singh, director, LIFE EDUCARE.

                                               EDUCATIONWORLD APRIL 2021
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80