Page 76 - EW April 2021
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             challenge is to restore,   ered decisions, The Battle
             empower and renew the    of Belonging is a timely    EAT THE BUDDHA: THE STORY
             very institutions of civic   reminder that to create   OF MODERN TIBET THROUGH
             nationalism that the BJP   orderly, just, egalitarian   THE PEOPLE OF ONE TOWN
             has commandeered and     and peaceful societies, citi-  Barbara Demick
             weakened. These are the   zens have an obligation to   GRANTA BOOKS, LONDON
             institutions that can best   engage with public issues   Rs.599; Pages 352
             protect minorities and the   and speak up on matters of
             marginalised, that protect   national importance.
             free speech and expression   This enlightening
             of unfashionable opinions,   polemic makes a strong   — for a decade. There,
             that elevate the principles   case for preservation and   she will fall in love with a   The locale of this book
             and values above the     protection of the basic   Chinese boy, eventually   is Nagaba, a town
             interests of politicians in   structure of the liberal,   settling back East in his   known for its unruli-
             power, that offer shelter   inclusive and egalitarian   native Nanjing.    ness. Following lives
             and aid to the vulnerable,   Constitution endowed   When the liberal 1980s   that live around this
             and so create the habits   upon us by the founding   arrive, she becomes a star   municipality, the au-
             and conventions that make   fathers of the nation. It   teacher and then a tool of   thor gives us a history
             democracy the safest of   is a timely reminder that   a Communist Party that   of Tibet as a whole
             political systems for ordi-  continuous vigilance is   seeks to publicise Ti-
             nary people to live under,”   indeed, the price of liberty.  betan success stories. The   a town known by the
             writes Tharoor.                    DILIP THAKORE  Panchen Lama, mainland   Chinese for its unruliness.
                More specifically,                             China’s most powerful   A decade ago in a period
             Parliament, state legisla-                        Tibetan, takes a liking to   of exceptional social ten-
             governments; the judiciary  Under dragon          her and arranges for her    sion, it earned the dubious
             tive assemblies and local
                                                                                       appellation of the self-
                                                               study in Dharamshala.
             and media whose legiti-                           While there (with half her   immolation capital of the
             macy and powers are be-  shadow                   family still in China), the   world. Following lives that
             ing steadily eroded. These                        Tiananmen Square mas-   revolve around this munic-
             are the institutions whose     NE OF THE MOST     sacre changes the mood of   ipality — teenage monks
             independence guaranteed        prominently fea-   politics at home. She stays   from the local monastery,
             by the Constitution must  Otured characters       in India, where she can be   nomads moving about its
             be protected in the final   in Barbara Demick’s new   found today, an elected   outskirts, scrappy entre-
             analysis by the people and,   book is called Gonpo. Born   representative to the Ti-  preneurs quick to embrace
             especially the educated   in 1950, a year after Mao   betan government-in-exile.  the market economy, a
             middle class.            Zedong declared a ‘New     Gonpo’s story is typical   princess — Demick gives
                Empowerment and       China’, she is the daugh-  of what Demick, a long-  us a history of this town
             protection of independent,   ter of a King in Amdo, a   time correspondent of the   and, by extension, of Tibet
             carefully conceptualised   region on the eastern end   Los Angeles Times, strives   as a whole.
             institutions against the   of the Tibetan Plateau in   to achieve in her work: as-  A pawn of the British
             whims and fancies of     what is modern-day Sich-  sembling a cast of charac-  in the days of the Great
             strongmen and ephemeral   uan. When the Red Army   ters from a small locale to   Game, after dissolution
             governments, is the theme   arrives later in the 1950s,   tell the story of a people   of His Majesty’s empire
             song of this timely and   her father is deposed and   as a whole. Her first book,   following the end of the
             thoroughly updated book.   sent to Chengdu to be   Besieged, followed lives   Second World War, Tibet
                Against the backdrop of   neutralized and re-edu-  spent on a street in war-  finds itself without a
             an increasingly apolitical   cated. During the Cultural   torn Sarajevo. Her second,   patron (unlike, say, the
             citizenry easily distracted   Revolution, he will commit   Nothing to Envy, explored   Mongolians who had
             by tall promises and grand   suicide after his wife, the   the fate of six North Kore-  the Soviets to shepherd
             circuses organised by the   queen, disappears.    ans from a coastal city as   them into statehood),
             ruling dispensation which   Gonpo, meanwhile,     they struggle to navigate   and as a result, subject to
             is incapable of adequately   with her bad class back-  life under the repressive   an emboldened, highly
             comprehending the long-  ground and suspect ethnic   totalitarian regime.  militaristic Maoist China
             term consequences of its   status, is sent to the end of   In Eat the Buddha the   bent on expansion and
             often hasty and ill-consid-  the earth — arid Xinjiang   locale is Ngaba, in Amdo,   consolidation. The new

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