Page 56 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 56

                 Cover Storyover Story

             Kiran Bir Sethi                  an initiative #dfcconnect, to get
             Founder, Design for Change       children from different parts of the
                                              world to share their anxieties and
                   n alumna of the prestigious   optimism. We have initiatives from
                   National Institute of Design,   Spain and South Africa on ‘mind-
             AAhmedabad, Kiran Bir Sethi      fulness’ and ‘course to action from
             is promoter-director of the Riverside   young adults’ as immediate respons-
             School (estb.2001) and founder of   es to serve communities in this time
             Design For Change (DFC), a co-cur-  of crisis.
             ricular experiential learning pro-  Major challenges confronting K-12
             gramme which encourages class III-
             X children worldwide to design and   education in the new Covid-19 era.
                                              This is the first time 1.5 billion
             implement socio-economic develop-
             ment programmes in their school   children are out of school worldwide.
                                              Though education has transitioned
             neighbourhoods. Since its launch in                               be greater collaboration between
             2009, DFC has attracted participa-  to blended learning, online is not a   schools. For instance in Ahmedabad,
                                              substitute for learning in conven-
             tion from 25 million children in 72                               we have a coalition of schools to
             countries around the world.      tional classrooms. Moreover, only 8   support and learn from each other.
                                              percent of children have access to the
             Riverside and DFC Covid-19 re-   Internet in India. This is a big chal-  Third, there should be fluidity in
                                                                               education to remove any kind of
             sponse. At Riverside, we quickly   lenge and we need great creativity in
             embraced the online medium to    our response to this crisis.     imagined or perceived boundaries, in
                                                                               terms of people, time or expertise.
             ensure learning continuity for all   Fees waiver/deferment circulars.
             our children. In less than ten days,                              Future plans. In our journey for-
             our teachers put together an on-  The debate on government circu-  ward, Riverside School would like to
                                              lars is not a battle on who’s right or
             line learning programme featuring                                 become a digital savvy and collabora-
             selected modules and designed a   wrong. Offering relaxations is a wise   tive institution. Ditto DFC. Current-
                                              move. It is important to be sensitive
             balanced curriculum incorporating                                 ly, DFC India is working with Unicef
             self-directed learning and parental   during this crisis.         to introduce social-emotional learn-
             involvement.                     Top 3 proposals for reviving K-12 ed-  ing skills in government schools.
                DFC has also responded amaz-  ucation in India. The first imperative   We plan to continue sharing our
             ingly to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our   is intensive digital literacy training   resources with all who can benefit
             partner in Singapore has started   for teachers. Second, there should   from collaborating with us.
             A.K. Pansari                                                low bandwidth. Another challenge is adapting
             Founder-chairman, Royal Group of Institutions,              online learning for children in early childhood
             Guwahati                                                    education.
                   n alumnus of Gauhati University and                   On fees waiver/deferment circulars by state gov-
                   chartered accountant, Dr. A.K. Pan-                   ernments to private school managements. The
             Asari is founder-chairman of the Roy-                       guidelines  related  to  fees payment  issued
             al Group of Institutions (RGI, estb.2009)                   by state governments are fair to parents as
             comprising the CBSE-affiliated day-cum-                     well as private schools. Most schools have
             boarding Royal Global School (RGS) and                      abided by these circulars and have waived
             Royal Global University (RGU) which have                    some amount of fees. In our case Royal Global
             an aggregate 4,225 students mentored by                     School has strictly followed the fee waiver or-
             302 teachers on their muster rolls.                         der of the Assam state government.
             RGI Covid-19 response.  Without wasting time, the Royal   Top 3 proposals for reforming K-12 education in India. First,
             Group of Institutions has made a swift transition to digital   once schools reopen there’s urgent need to blend con-
             teaching-learning with our teachers and students quickly   ventional classroom with online learning. The lockdown
             adapting to new online platforms and pedagogies. There-  period has shown that online learning can supplement
             fore, not only is learning being delivered online, we have   face-to-face teaching. Second, school curriculums should
             also interviewed prospective new students, completed the   promote projects-based learning rather than rote, and in-
             admission process virtually and conducted online parent   corporate skill-based subjects. Finally, the focus of educa-
             teacher and staff meetings.                       tion should be on developing happy, rather than merely
                                                               intelligent children.
             Major challenges confronting Indian K-12 education in the Covid
             era. The technology barrier is the major challenge confront-  Future plans. We have drawn up a blueprint to promote the
             ing K-12 schools in the Covid era. Unfortunately, the great   first international curriculum school in northeast India.
             majority of students don’t have access to digital gadgets   Second, we are working on introducing paperless educa-
             and reliable Internet connectivity. This has severely affect-  tion in RGS and RGU. Moreover, we intend to establish
             ed delivery of acceptable quality online learning, as classes   sport academies to nurture and develop the abundant
             often, have to be cancelled or stopped mid-way because of   sports and games talent available in northeast India.

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