Page 53 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 53

Fatema Agarkar
                                              Co-founder, Agarkar Centre for Excellence
                                                   ducationist, parent-
                                                   ing expert and
                                              Eteacher educator,
                                              Fatema Agarkar is co-
                                              founder of the Agarkar
                                              Centre for Excellence
                                              (ACE) Mumbai, a firm
                                              providing K-12 educa-
                                              tion consultancy services,
                                              sports and life skills
                                              programmes to over 25
                                              schools with an enrol-
                                              ment of 20,000 students.
                                              An alumna of Mumbai
                                              and Birmingham uni-
                                              versities, Agarkar served
             individualised, caring services   with Commerzbank,
             to parents from all walks of life.   Times of India and Egon Zehnder
             To ensure learning continuity    International before switching tracks   debate highlights that parental and
             during the nationwide lockdown,   to education consultancy in 2000.   school expectations are completely
             we made substantial invest-      Since then, she has facilitated the   mismatched. There’s a lack of faith
             ments in technical infrastructure   promotion of over 40 private schools   and trust between them and it has
             and professional training of our   countrywide.                   become a running us versus them
             teachers to switch to digital online                              war. This needs to be corrected.
             learning. Our faculty and staff   The Covid-19 crisis has majorly dis-  School managements must invest
             have also been duly paid without   rupted the education system. How has   in building trust and dialogue with
             delay. Moreover, we understand   ACE responded to this challenge?  parents.
             our parents’ community needs     ACE’s objective is to empower    What are your top 3 proposals for re-
             our support when bank finance is   and engage children by redesign-  forming K-12 education in India?
             difficult, hardships are rising and   ing curriculums, student assess-  • NCERT/exam boards need to
             the economy is plummeting. Our   ment systems, and introducing    urgently revamp K-12 curriculums
             school management and advisory   trans-disciplinary pedagogies with   to make learning experiential and
             committees are taking case-by-   strong focus on life skills and sports   projects-based. The focus of teach-
             case decisions to help parents.   education. Over the past two months   ing-learning should be on ‘how to
                                              since the nationwide lockdown
             What are your Top 3 proposals for   was announced, ACE is engaging   teach’ not ‘what to teach’
             reforming school education in India?  online with parents and educators   • Schools should overhaul pedago-
             Government and exam boards       and highlighting the enabling role   gies to make learning differentiated
                                                                               and personalised. Also the exam/
             should totally revamp school     of technology, and importance of
             curriculums. This is the time to   developing children’s emotional   assessment system needs to be
                                                                               revamped. Our report cards are too
             raise students’ awareness of radi-  intelligence and life skills.
             cal socio-political, economic and                                 generic, they need to become more
                                                                               qualitative than quantitative
             scientific changes in society and   What are the major challenges confront-
             encourage creative flexible think-  ing K-12 education in the new Covid-19   • Government and the private sector
                                                                               should invest in building robust IT
             ing, and to introduce examination   era?
             and evaluation reforms.          The major challenges confronting   infrastructure and online learning
                                              Indian education are lack of IT infra-  platforms that are user friendly, en-
             Future plans...                  structure and capability — hardware,   gaging and equipped to skill teachers
             Our plan is to promote higher    software and Internet availability,   in virtual pedagogies and collabora-
             learning institutions in col-    and trained faculty. The switch to   tive teaching-learning.
             laboration with globally reputed   online learning requires realignment
             universities to offer specialisa-  of content delivery, superior subject   What are your future plans for ACE?
             tions in fine arts and sports    expertise, creativity in lesson plan-  Recently, ACE launched #Cricket-
             education. Moreover, to prepare   ning and building teacher-parent   Math — a gaming app for middle
             our students for the new future,   partnerships.                  school students — which connects
             we plan to encourage peer learn-                                  math learning with cricket. We are
             ing by connecting our students   Several state governments have issued   also collaborating with some publish-
             with counterparts in Singapore,   fees waiver/ deferment circulars to   ers to produce resource material
             Finland, Australia and European   private school managements. Your com-  related to sports and academics, and
             countries.                       ment?                            are planning to expand our reach to
                                              The school fee payment/deferment   schools in south and north India.

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