Page 48 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 48

Cover Story

             Madhav Chavan                                                     of strengthening parents’ participa-
             Co-founder, Pratham Education Foundation                          tion in children’s learning processes
                                                                               is my third recommendation.
             A                                                                 What are your future plans for Pratham
                   chemistry postgrad of Mum-
                                                                               Education Foundation?
                   bai and Ohio State universi-
                   ties, Dr. Madhav Chavan
             is co-founder and director of the                                 A lot has changed and much remains
                                                                               the same. We have learned a lot
             Pratham Education Foundation                                      during the past three months. We
             (estb.1994), nationally acclaimed                                 were experimenting on a large scale
             for its international fundraising,                                with digital devices and resources
             national Read India campaign and                                  to assist several state governments
             sustained publication of the Annual                               and 200 NGOs, small and large.
             Status of Education Report (ASER)                                 We will continue to work with state
             which measures learning outcomes                                  governments to universalise pre-
             in primary education countrywide                                  primary education and improve
             through field testing.                                            literacy and numeracy in primary
                                                                               education. Although Pratham
             What are the major challenges con-                                is widely perceived as a rural
             fronting primary education in the new                             development NGO, we also serve
             Covid-19 era?                                                     underprivileged urban in addition to
             Poor basic literacy, numeracy and   couraging promotion of pre-primary   rural communities. In the immediate
             soft skills continue to be a major   schools and stronger early childhood   future, we will be focusing on
             problem. Enrolment in primary    education as per the recommenda-  building capacities of volunteers and
             schools is above 97-98 percent.   tions of the draft National Education   parents to participate in children’s
             But we expect a sharp increase in   Policy 2019 of the Dr. K. Kasturiran-  learning. Digital resources and
             temporary dropouts as a result of   gan Committee. That is my second   communication will play a pivotal
             loss of livelihoods. A substantial shift   proposal. Devising ways and means   role in our work from hereon.
             from fees-levying private schools to
             free-of-charge government schools is
             also on the cards, especially of rural
             girl children.
                                              Gunmeet Bindra                   with focus on developing scientific
             How feasible/realistic is digital online   Co-founder, DPS, Rajpura  thinking and discovery.
             education in rural India?                                           The next challenge is to define
             If children can be provided with digi-  n alumna of Calcutta Univer-  the role of parents in the education
             tal devices, Internet connectivity at   sity and the Delhi School of   delivery process. Parents need to
             no cost and if all teachers are trained  AEconomics, Dr. Gunmeet Bin-  become meaningfully involved to
             to teach online, it is feasible. When   dra was appointed the first woman   enable their children as they switch
             such questions are asked, it is often   principal of a Top 10 ranked all-boys   from conventional to blended learn-
             overlooked that physical schools   boarding school — Welham Boys,   ing and increasingly, working from
             where children gather together to   Dehradun (WBS, estb.1937) in 2012.   home. However, given the social,
             learn from teachers will continue   After an eight-year tenure at WBS   physical and mental resilience
             to exist. The question really is how   during which the school was ranked   developed by Indian society over the
             can digital devices and resources   #1 under the parameter of leadership   centuries, our schools, parents and
             help to address the lacunae in school   for four years consecutively by Edu-  children are likely to emerge stron-
             education. Online education won’t   cationWorld, Dr. Bindra resigned   ger from the Covid-19 crisis.
             necessarily address the problems   her office in March to co-promote
             of education but digital devices and   the greenfield Delhi Public School,   Several state governments have issued
                                                                               fees waiver/deferment circulars to pri-
             resources could possibly help in im-  Rajpura.
             proving learning outcomes if we use                               vate school managements. What’s your
             the strengths of technology and don’t   What are the major challenges confront-
             forget that the child has to be at the   ing K-12 education in the new Covid-19   These circulars and directives are
             centre, not technology or teachers.   era?                        re-affirmation of the dismally low
                                              This pandemic has taken the world   priority that the Central and state
             What are your Top 3 proposals for reviv-  by surprise. While the future is   governments accord to education of
             ing and reforming primary schooling in   unpredictable, there’s no doubt the   the country’s children and youth. It’s
             India?                           education landscape will be radically   important for government and par-
             The government of India has de-  different and schools will need to   ents to grasp that although schools
             clared that a National Mission for   progress from educate to educare.   are closed, education delivery has
             Literacy and Numeracy for chil-  More specifically, the biggest chal-  not stopped. Teachers are work-
             dren up to five years of age will be   lenge confronting K-12 educators   ing harder than before to ensure
             launched in December 2020. Imple-  is to introduce effective blended   continuity of learning. Fee waivers
             menting it committedly is my first   learning — a blend of digital and   and deferment proposals indicate
             proposal. The government is also en-  conventional classroom learning —   disrespect for teachers. In fact, they

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