Page 49 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 49

Dr. Nissar Ahmed
                                                           Chairman, Presidency Group of Institutions, Bangalore

                                                                 r. Nissar Ahmed is chairman of the Bangalore-based
                                                                 Presidency Group of Institutions (PGI, estb.1976)
                                                           Dwhich comprise seven CBSE/CISCE-affiliated schools,
                                                           three undergrad/postgrad colleges and Presidency Universi-
                                                           ty, Bangalore, with an aggregate 25,000 students and 1,300
                                                           PGI’s Covid-19 response. After the mandated closure of our
                                                           institutions in mid-March, we immediately began preparing
                                                           to take teaching-learning to the online mode with faculty
                                                           receiving intensive training in digital skills and pedagogies.
                                                           Online classes commenced in end March and have proved
                                                           a success. Credit for this success story should also accrue to
                                                           our parents who
             belittle not only teachers and schools but the impor-  extended full sup-
             tance of education.                           port by creating
             What are your Top 3 proposals for reviving and reforming   supportive home
             K-12 education in India?                      environments to
             The quality of teacher training in B.Ed institutions   facilitate smooth
             is pathetic. Therefore, establishment of excellent,   transition to digi-
             globally benchmarked teacher training institutions   tal learning.
             on the IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology) model   Major challenges
             should be a national priority. In the post-Covid sce-  confronting Indian
             nario, it has become a greater imperative to produce   education in the Co-
             teachers equipped to prepare children to succeed in   vid era. Most par-
             the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambigu-  ents don’t want
             ous) age that is already upon us.             to send their chil-
                Secondly, government, school examination   dren, especially to
             boards and all stakeholders in K-12 education, need   kindergarten and
             to press for a shift from acquisition of knowledge to   primary school.
             application of learning. For this, we need to re-  School managements need to win parents’ confidence by
             form the examination system to reward this type of   creating safe learning environments for children. Moreover,
             teaching-learning.                            there’s the big challenge of poor Internet connectivity and
                And finally, government, society and education   access to digital devices.
             stakeholders need to pull out all stops to attract
             intelligent and competent individuals to the teach-  State government fee waiver/deferment circulars to private school
             ing profession. Teachers must be respected and paid   managements. Government should have weighed the ground
             well. For this to happen, education has to move to   realities of private education before issuing these circulars.
             the top of the national development agenda.   All private schools are dependent on fees for paying teach-
                                                           ers salaries and other capex and opex expenses. And the
             In light of your long experience as principal of the high-  Covid-19 pandemic has severely affected their cash flow.
             ranked Welham Boys, what will be the differentiating
             characteristics of DPS, Rajpura?              Top 3 proposals for reforming higher education in India.
             I had the privilege of leading the nationally re-  The draft National Education Policy 2019 has made some
             spected WBS for almost nine years during which the   important recommendations for reforming the higher educa-
             school moved from strength to strength, and I have   tion system. My proposals:
             evolved as a school leader. Given the benefit of my   Deregulation. The government should deregulate higher
             long experience in K-12 education, I am confident   education, encourage promotion of private higher education
             DPS, Rajpura will be a progressive, forward think-  institutions and grant them full autonomy
             ing school. We intend to create a vibrant and happy   Syllabus and curriculum reform. Universities should
             learning environment, encouraging and empowering    be incentivised to offer new-age programmes and invest in
             students and faculty to become the best version of   research and development
             themselves and live lives of optimism and well-  Quality assurance. Government must ensure all higher
             being. We will do all that’s needed to adapt the best   education institutions provide acceptable quality tertiary
             practices from schools that I have had the honour to   education and enabling infrastructure.
             lead. DPS, Rajpura’s core values have been adopted   Future plans. Our main focus right now is to tide over the
             from the discovery framework of the London-based   Covid-19 crisis and ensure our campuses are compliant with
             Round Square Association of the world’s best   the health and safety norms prescribed by WHO and govern-
             schools which also accord high priority to sports   ment.

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