Page 50 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 50

Cover Story

             Manit Jain                       organised a series of webinars.   al education. We are also exploring
             Co-founder, Heritage Group of Schools  What are the major challenges confront-  the possibility of starting schools in
                                                                               other cities across the country with
                                              ing K-12 education in the new Covid-19
                                              era?                             like-minded local partners.
                                              The Covid-19 crisis has exposed the   Geeta Gandhi Kingdon
                                              inequities of our education system
                                              — from lack of Internet access and   President, City Montessori, Lucknow
                                              computers to failure to attract tal-
                                              ented graduates to enter the teaching   n alumna of Oxford Univer-
                                                                                     sity and the London School
                                              profession. These inequities have
                                              been amplified in this time of crisis.   Aof Economics, Prof. Geeta
                                                                               Gandhi Kingdon is chair of education
                                              However, it has also aroused hope of
                                              shaking up the iniquitous status quo   economics and international devel-
                                                                               opment, University College London.
                                              when things return to normal.
                                                                               She is also president of the City
                                              Several state governments have prohib-  Montessori School, Lucknow (CMS,
                                              ited private school managements from   estb.1959), certified as the world’s
                                              collecting fees during the lockdown   largest city school by Guinness
                                              and banned fee increases. What’s your   World Records (57,000 students,
                                              comment?                         2,196 teachers in 17 campuses).
                                              Non-payment of fees can force
                   n alumnus of the globally   educational institutes into ICU, while
                   renowned Harvard Graduate   simultaneously jeopardising the
             ASchool of Education, Manit      livelihoods of millions of teachers. If
             Jain, co-founder of the Heritage   school managements experience dif-
             Group of four K-12 schools in Delhi   ficulty in paying the already meagre
             NCR, is a pioneer of experiential   salaries of teachers, the future of the
             learning. In the EW India School   country will be dim. Education insti-
             Rankings 2019-20, the group’s show-  tutions take years to build and once
             piece Heritage Xperiential Learning   broken, they are difficult to revive.
             School, Gurgaon is ranked India’s   Such populist measures may provide
             #1 co-ed day school. Jain also chairs   temporary relief to parents, but they
             FICCI’s Alliance for Re-Imagining   will cause permanent damage to
             School Education (ARISE), the    education institutions.
             private schools advocacy wing of the   What are your Top 3 proposals for re-
             Delhi-based Federation of Indian   forming K-12 education in India?
             Chambers of Commerce and Indus-  Reduce regulations. Too many
             try (FICCI).                     rules and regulations are discourag-
             How have the Heritage Group and FICCI   ing edupreneurs from promoting   The Covid-19 crisis has majorly dis-
             Arise responded to the Covid-19 chal-  greenfield institutions. They create   rupted the education system. How has
             lenge?                           competition, and improve the quality   City Montessori School responded to this
             The best learning happens through   of education. Moreover, competition   challenge?
             a combination of online and of-  drives down school fees          In CMS, we introduced e-learning
             fline processes. Therefore, having   Introduce voucher system. Time   and online resources way back
             already invested in a robust Learn-  for government to start funding   in 2012 when we bought Interac-
             ing Management System that stored   students instead of schools   tive White Boards for our 57,000
             all curriculum content digitally, we   Formulate viable and attrac-  students in the school’s 17 campuses
             quickly devised a learning continuity   tive PPP models. Edupreneurs and   in Lucknow, gradually ramped up
             plan for our students. Virtual classes   NGOs should be encouraged to up-  training our 2,100 teachers with
             are conducted with teachers using   grade and transform non-performing   basic computing skills to use Open
             a combination of asynchronous and   government schools            Education Resources, create their
             synchronous classes through Teamie   Overhaul examination system.   own e-content, and use AI-based
             and Google Hangout apps.         To assess children’s learning out-  adaptive learning tools. Therefore,
                FICCI Arise has also taken various   comes, exams should test students’   soon after the national lockdown was
             initiatives. Several virtual meets have   comprehension skills and socio-emo-  declared on March 24, our teachers
             been organised in collaboration with   tional learning, rather than memory.   were able to comfortably start using
             Google India to support schools to   What are your future plans for Heritage   Google Classrooms, Google Meets,
             provide distance learning solutions.   schools?                   Hangouts and Zoom to engage
             These meets have been attended by   We intend to move towards greater   directly with groups of students for
             over 500 educators of 200 schools,   adoption of technology and strength-  interactive online classes.
             across 46 cities, 26 states and three   en our experiential, projects-based   Several state governments have issued
             countries. Moreover, we have also   curriculum by adding socio-emotion-  fees waiver/deferment circulars to pri-

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