Page 44 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 44

Cover Story

             Shaheen Mistri                                    What are your future plans for Akanksha and TFI?
                                                               At the moment, we’re regearing quickly to respond to our
             Founder, Teach for India                          children’s needs during this crisis. In the medium term,
                   n alumna of Mumbai and Manchester (UK)      our goal will be to build leadership for delivery of educa-
                   universities, Shaheen Mistri is promoter-director   tional equity. Our alumni movement is growing with TFI
             Aof the Akanksha Foundation (estb.1991) and the   fellows at every level of the education system. We will
             Teach for India Initiative (TFI, 2007) committed to end-  continue to innovate, especially in the area of blended
             ing education inequity in India.                  learning, using our teacher training platform,
                                                               And we will strive to elevate student voices and partner-
             What are the major chal-                          ships to reimagine education. We are also committed to
             lenges confronting K-12                           supporting entrepreneurs all over India through our TFIx
             education in the new                              programme.
             Covid-19 era?
             We will definitely see                            Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo
             a major shift towards                             Chairman, Sai International Group, Bhubaneswar
             technology depen-
             dence which puts                                       former chartered accountant, Dr. Bijaya Kumar
             additional pressure on                            A
                                                                    Sahoo is promoter-chairman of the Bhubaneswar
             schools and students                                   (Odisha)-based Sai International Group. The
             that cannot afford it or                          group comprises two schools including the SAI Inter-
             may not have access                               national School, Bhubaneswar — ranked Odisha’s #1
             to it. Some private                               day-cum-boarding school in the EW India School Rank-
             schools may have to                               ings 2019-20 — and a preschool and college with a total
             close down. There is                              enrolment of 5,260 students and 756 teachers. Dr. Sahoo
             also uncertainty about                            is also special advisor with ministerial rank of the Odisha
             when schools will                                 Adarsha Vidyalaya Sangathan discharging the mission
             reopen and duration of the next academic year. More-  of promoting 314 CBSE English-medium government
             over, mental health issues are coming to light as there is   schools in every block of Odisha.
             tremendous anxiety about the spread of the virus and its
                Our biggest challenge will be our lack of expertise in
             blended learning delivery and the inadequate capacity to
             upskill our teachers and staff for it. Since we anticipate
             greater dependency on digital platforms, there is also ap-
             prehension of increased disparity between low and high-
             income students because of the digital divide.
             Several state governments have issued fees waiver/deferment
             circulars to private school managements. What’s your com-
             While fee waivers will help students and their families
             that have lost significant income at this time, they will
             also force schools to take measures such as downsiz-
             ing staff, cutting salaries etc. It’s important to note that
             schools have significant costs even when students aren’t
             in attendance. Simultaneously, many parents are expe-  Sai Institutions’ Covid-19 response. The calamitous corona-
             riencing financial difficulties because of the lockdown. A   virus has shaken the world but not our conviction and
             balanced approach to this issue is required.      resolve to continue the education of our students. After
             What are your Top 3 proposals for reviving and reforming the   hundreds of hours of research we launched our SAI Cloud
             K-12 education system in India?                   School on April 1. It focuses on scholastic and co-scho-
             Get blended learning right. It offers educators per-  lastic activities with teachers engaging children in online
             haps for the first time ever, an opportunity to personalise   classes as well as co-curricular activities such as yoga,
             education and extend learning from the classroom to   aerobics, art and crafts, dance, music and drama.  And
             homes.                                            from June 1-15, we will be conducting an Online Summer
             Change what we learn. Let’s use this as a chance to   Camp for our kindergarten to class XII students.
             really reimagine education. In the words of my friends   Major challenges confronting Indian education in the Covid era.
             Vishal and Suchetha from Dream-a-Dream, we need to   Getting teachers accustomed to the new normal of online
             pause and ask ‘what if’ questions.                teaching is a major challenge. Simultaneously, we have
             Infuse leadership into education. Education is our   to be alert about the dangers of excessive screen time for
             best option for truly transforming the country. It deserves   students, and parents’ struggles to supervise home learn-
             our most committed, competent people at all levels of the   ing. Yet the biggest challenge will be to deliver digital
             education system. Educators have to find innovative ways   learning to children of government schools, especially in
             to infuse the system with talent.                 rural India. The country does not have the infrastructure

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