Page 42 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 42

Cover Story

             Grace Pinto                      learning gaps between students,
                                              and addressing mental strain that   Hari Mohan Gupta,
             Managing director, Ryan International Group   teachers and students will inevi-  Chairman, Jagran Social Welfare Society
             of Institutions                  tably suffer before they become
                                              accustomed to blended learning      ublisher-editor of the Hindi
                                              pedagogies.                         language daily Daink Jagran
                                                                             P(Bhopal edition), Hari Mohan
                                              Several state governments have is-  Gupta is chairman of the Jagran Social
                                              sued fees waiver/deferment circulars   Welfare Society (JSWS), which has
                                              to private school managements.   promoted four Delhi Public Schools
                                              What’s your comment?           (DPS) in Madhya Pradesh (Bhopal and
                                              It’s true that some state govern-  Indore) and the state-of-the-art Jagran
                                              ments have issued circulars offer-  Lakecity University, Bhopal. Together
                                              ing payment options to parents,   these institutions have 14,000 students
                                              but no fee waiver has been an-  on their muster rolls.
                                              nounced. This is because govern-
                                              ments are well aware that private
                                              schools are dependent on school
                                              fees to reimburse teachers and
                                              staff. We hope state governments
                                              will continue to support private
                                              schools post-Covid and parents
                                              will understand the relevance
                                              and urgency of paying school
                                              fees. Parents need to know that
                  romoted by Mme. Grace Pinto   the lockdown has affected many
                  and her husband Dr. Augus-  people including our teachers,
             Ptine in 1976, the Mumbai-       support staff, drivers and other
             based Ryan International Group of   peripheral workers who have
             Institutions (RIGI) has since blos-  families to look after and bills to
             somed into a network of 135 K-12   pay.
             schools across 18 states and 40 cities
             in India with an aggregate enrolment   What are your Top 3 proposals for
             of 275,000 students and 15,000   reviving and reforming K-12 educa-
             teachers on its muster rolls.    tion in India?                 Jagran Group of Institutions response to the
                                              • Central and state governments   Covid-19 challenge.
             The Covid-19 crisis has majorly dis-  should sharply increase outlays   Since January, we have been tracking
             rupted the education system. How has   for public education     the Covid-19 outbreak on a daily basis,
             RIGI responded to this challenge?  • There should be greater em-  preparing for various possible out-
             Despite initial teething problems,   phasis on vocational and skills   comes. In March, we started providing
             our countrywide network of schools   training to equip Indian youth   online education, guidance and regular
             was quick to adapt and embrace   with industry preparedness     updates to all our students, faculty and
             online learning for reaching out to   • Upgrade teacher training   staff. Therefore, I am confident that
             all our students and parents. Now,   programmes in new technologies   our four DPS schools, Shikshan Ken-
             we have a specialised tech team in   usage to enhance e-learning.   dras and Jagran Lakecity University
             every school to make this transi-                               will continue to provide high-quality
             tion smooth and effective. Above all,   What are your future plans for RIGI?  teaching-learning to all students. Our
             our teachers worked extra hard to   To tide over the Covid-19 pan-  students too, have responded enthu-
             upgrade their ICT skills and effec-  demic crisis, RIGI has focused on   siastically and averaging 90 percent
             tively engage students. In this entire   innovative leverage of technology,   attendance in our virtual classrooms.
             process, many of our parents opted   active collaboration and capac-  JLU’s semester exams were also con-
             to become co-learners to enhance   ity building, and ensuring that   ducted smoothly.
             the e-learning experiences of their   children remain at the centre of
             children.                        immersive online learning experi-  Major challenges confronting Indian
                                              ences. RIGI plans to respond   education in the Covid era.
             What are the major challenges confront-  to the pandemic challenge by   The difficult challenges are not physi-
             ing K-12 education in the new Covid-19   availing the opportunity to use   cal but emotional. The faculty-student
             era?                             technology to personalize the edu-  relationship is constrained with face-
             The challenge of evolving a blended   cation of every child. We are open   to-face interaction becoming rare.
             learning model that will integrate   to adapting to the new normal and   Striking a balance between conven-
             conventional classroom engagement   making necessary changes in edu-  tional and online education is posing
             with e-learning support systems;   cation delivery to remain relevant   a formidable problem to all educators.
             teacher training in emerging     and equip our children for the   The second challenge is to pre-
             technologies usage; bridging wide   uncertain future ahead.     pare faculty and students to adapt

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