Page 38 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 38


                      How to select the Right Lecture Hall Solution

                                                for your space

                        hen you think of a lecture hall, you usually think of a   each category, the options chosen will affect pricing. You will need to
                        room that is used for instruction typically at a college   determine, for example, if the end-user comfort is worth the money
                        or university. You may even think there is not much   or if budget needs to be adhered to and a less expensive seat
             Wto lecture hall design; just a large room with a bunch   will need to be specified. Is power a requirement? Seat pads and
             of tables and chairs and either an instructor or an audio-visual   upholstery v. a poly shell will also impact your price.
             presentation being the focal point of the room. In fact, the opposite   All the options will add up, but a reputable manufacturer can help
             is true. Designing the right lecture hall takes time and strategic   you choose which options are best in order to keep the price within
             planning. Lecture hall design is dependent on many key variables   your budget.
             that you should consider.
               As manufacturers of lecture hall and auditorium furnishings, we   5.  Product Solution
             understand the importance of selecting the right lecture hall solution   Knowing the different types of products out there will help
             for your space. In this article, we will discuss the five main questions   determine what works best for your lecture hall. Swing arm seating
             you should address when choosing a lecture hall solution.  provides consistent seat count and room uniformity and can
                                                               maximize collaboration and maximize capacity. Beam seating will
             First, Let’s Address What a Lecture Hall Typically Consists of    offer remarkable space savings, while maintaining order. Jury base
             A lecture hall typically consists of either fixed tables with loose   chairs create maximum flexibility to collaborate within a learning
             chairs, fixed tables with swing-arm chairs, or beam/pedestal/jury   environment. Knowing the answers to each point above, will help
             base chairs with writing tablets. Occasionally people may refer to an   you determine the best product solution for your space.
             auditorium as a lecture hall if it is purpose built for teaching.  As you can see, there are several key questions that will help
               The following are the main factors to consider when choosing the   guide you to the best solution for your new lecture hall. Is it a new
             right lecture hall solution for your room.        construction or a renovation? What is the target seat count? What
             1.  New Constructions vs. Renovation              is the teaching style? What is your budget? What kind of product
               If the space already exists and the client is renovating, there might   solution are you looking for? Are there any key options that need to
             be space restrictions which will dictate the appropriate solution for   be considered? A good manufacturer will be able to help guide you
             that space. On the flip side with a new construction a manufacturer   along and make sure you are addressing these questions every step
             should be able to assist with a layout that works best for the end-  of the way.
             user and build out the room appropriately. Either way, the space and   Sedia Systems is the leading global manufacturer of lecture hall
             the dimensions within the space will dictate what products can be   and auditorium furniture. We offer the widest range of fixed seating
             used in the room.                                 for the education, corporate, healthcare, government, and public
             2.  Target Seat Count                             assembly markets.
               Knowing the seating capacity requirement will also help with   If you are looking for a manufacturer for your next fixed seating
             determining product. Typically, auditorium chairs will help with   project or have questions regarding a lecture hall solution, contact
             maximizing capacity, because of the multiple seat sizes available.   us at +91 9742329159 or drop a mail to sediasystems@scube-
             Beam seating with tablets would be the next option and with this
             type of product seating capacity can also vary depending on the
             chair shell chosen. When choosing a manufacturer for your fixed
             seating, you will want to consider someone who has many different
             options to choose from, so that you can make the best decision to
             achieve your target seat count.
             3.  Teaching Style
               Will the room be used for teacher instruction only or will there be
             a need for collaboration? Will end-users need a writing surface or
             just a seat to watch presentations? Will end-users need to use their
             laptops or tablets which means that power might be a requirement?
             All of these factors will influence the type of product that you select
             and the layout of the room.
             4.  What Is The Budget
               Most manufacturers will need to have realistic numbers at the
             beginning of the process. Quality auditorium chairs can range in
             price from $995+ and lecture hall seating from $545+. Even within        (Source:

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