Page 35 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 35

vernacular content that is curriculum-aligned and free, we
             have created a library of 10,000 videos called TicTacLearn
             for maths and science in Hindi, English, Telugu, Odia and
             Marathi for class I-X children. Several state governments
             are broadcasting this video content on Doordarshan.
             Major challenges confronting K-12 education in the new Covid-19
             era. The education system will have to face diverse and
             complex challenges in the post-Covid era. There could be
             a reduction in the Central and state education budgets,
             increased pressure on government schools as low-income
             households may switch from private to government
             schools, and all teachers will need to shoulder additional
             responsibilities of ensuring social distancing, health and
                Even online learning to which most state governments
             are switching, requires some basic infrastructure that many   Sanjay Ghodawat
             schools and households don’t have. This is likely to exacer-  Chairman, Sanjay Ghodawat Group of Institutions
             bate inequity in K-12 education in the near term.
             State governments’ fee waiver/deferment circulars to private   anjay Ghodawat is promoter-chairman of the
             school managements. The national lockdown has heavily    Kolhapur-based Sanjay Ghodawat Group of
             impacted budget private, aka affordable/low fee schools.   SInstitutions (SGI, estb.2009) and Sanjay Gho-
             These schools collect fees at the end of the academic year   dawat Group of diverse food, real estate and aviation
             (April), and already had pending dues from the previous   business enterprises. Spread over 150 acres in Kol-
             year. Consequently, the lockdown has severely hit the cash   hapur, the integrated SGI campus hosts an interna-
             flow of affordable private schools (APS), even as teaching   tional school, engineering and management colleges,
             and non-teaching staff salaries, rent and utility bills have to   an IIT/medical training academy and the Sanjay
             be paid. This forces APS to lay-off teachers or simply shut   Ghodawat University with an aggregate enrolment
             down which will seriously hurt the learning outcomes for   of 15,000 students and 1,500 teachers.
             millions of children attending APS.                 SGI’s Covid-19 response. Sanjay Ghodawat University,
             Top 3 proposals for reviving and reforming the K-12 education   the school and colleges have responded swiftly to the
             system in India. Numerous research studies indicate that   Covid-19 disruption of education. All our institu-
             foundational learning is the only way to improve learning   tions are making online classes available to students
             outcomes of in-school children. Ensuring universal foun-  to ensure teaching-learning continuity. We have also
             dational literacy and numeracy skills prior to completion of   released our own Ghodawat Learning App for class
             class III, can bridge the wide learning gaps that exist today,   XI-XII science students.
             increase workforce participation and improve overall qual-  Major challenges confronting Indian education. This is
             ity of life. The FLN (foundation, literacy and numeracy)   a good time for schools, colleges and universities
             mission of the Central government has very high potential   to come out of their comfort zones and use innova-
             and every effort should ensure its robust implementation   tive technologies to engage students. The format of
             by state governments. Simultaneously, there’s a lot of work   traditional classes, exams, projects and assignments
             to be done to unlock the true potential of edtech to seam-  needs to change to enable students to self-learn
             lessly integrate conventional and online teaching-learning   through research and collaboration.
             in classrooms as well as at home. Technology has the
             potential to provide all children access to quality education   On fees waiver/deferment circulars issued by state gov-
             and also enable parental engagement. Lastly, there’s urgent   ernments to private school managements. We feel these
             need to create an enabling environment and build a scal-  directives have been given in good faith consider-
             able model for the affordable private school system where   ing the financial hardship being experienced by
             almost 50 percent of India’s school-going children study.   many households. But educational institutions also
                                                                 have fixed expenses such as teachers’ salaries and
             Future plans... The foundation’s prime objective is to ensure   infrastructure maintenance etc. Government, school
             quality school education for all children of India. I see   managements and parents need to cooperate to
             CSF (Central Square Foundation) playing a critical role in   ensure that schools are not bankrupted.
             helping to achieve universal quality education which is the
             precondition of lifting a significant percentage of our popu-  Proposals to revive Indian education. NCERT needs to
             lation out of poverty, get jobs and lead better lives.   revamp curriculums to move towards more student-
                In the future, CSF will partner with more social impact   centric, inter-disciplinary and holistic learning.
             organisations and work with governments to build scalable,   SGI’s future plans. To reach every household in the
             sustainable and purposeful education institutions. We will   country through our education and other products
             also collaborate effectively with private sector, non-profit   and services and enhance the quality of people’s
             organisations and other ecosystem institutions to build   lives.
             research capability and develop knowledge systems.

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