Page 30 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 30

Cover Story

             Dr. K. Kasturirangan             ing students’ higher order thinking   research systems in our universi-
                                              and communication skills. Third, we   ties through effective channelling
             Chairman, Draft NEP 2019         must address the persistent crisis in   of resources, creating appropriate
                                              foundational literacy and numeracy,   institutional mechanisms. The most
                                              which requires concerted redirection   important imperative is to establish
                                              of resources. In addition, it’s impor-  a National Research Foundation to
                                              tant to introduce flexible curriculums   create opportunities for research
                                              and learning approaches, overhaul   across all disciplines with resources
                                              assessment systems and develop   that aggregate at least 2 percent of
                                              school complexes.                GDP to start with.
                                              What are your Top 3 proposals for raising   Any other comment?
                                              standards in higher education?   We should continue to expect disrup-
                                              First, we must provide institutions   tive changes in education, whether it
                                              with pathways to autonomy via    is from crises like Covid-19, or tech-
                                              accreditation and de-cluttering of   nological disruptions like AI, among
                                              regulatory mechanisms. Second,   others. We urgently need to make
                                              there is urgent need to introduce   our education system more resilient,
                                              multi-disciplinary holistic education   and acknowledge this is a massive
                                              at the undergraduate level, including   challenge. The silver lining to the Co-
                                              an element of research at this stage.   vid-19 pandemic is that it has forced
                                                The third important recommen-  education reform to the front of our
                  ormer chairman of the Indian   dation is to stimulate and strengthen   minds. Let’s not lose this focus.
                  Space Research Organisation,
             FDr. K. Kasturirangan is an
             eminent educationist and chairman   Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’
             of the nine-member committee for
             draft National Education Policy   Union HRD minister
             (2019) which was submitted to the     ormer chief minister of Ut-
             Union government in May last year     tarakhand (2009-2011),
             and is being finalised by the Union  FRamesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ is
             HRD ministry, New Delhi          incumbent Union minister of human
             What are the major challenges confront-  resource development (HRD) in
             ing K-12 education in the new Covid-19   the BJP-led NDA 2.0 government.
             era?                             Typically, despite several e-mail
             The biggest challenge of K-12 educa-  messages and calls to his office, the
             tion — the failure of many children   minister failed and neglected to
             to attain even basic skills such as   reply to an EducationWorld ques-
             foundational literacy and numeracy   tionnaire. However, during the past
             — will persist in the Covid-19 era and   two months, the HRD ministry has
             beyond. The new situation has forced   issued a spate of press releases,
             us to experiment with new modes   circulars, notes, directives to state   has taken several measures. It has
                                                                               launched several online initiatives.
             of pedagogy and greater reliance on   education ministers, vice chancel-
             technology. But, such experimenta-  lors, principals and parents. Having   Among them: DIKSHA (Digital In-
                                                                               frastructure for Knowledge Sharing)
             tion must be done with care and   regard for his office as HRD minis-
             seriousness. The Covid-19 crisis can   ter, your editors have culled his bon   a portal to help teachers and boost
                                                                               e-learning; SWAYAM (Study Webs of
             be converted into an opportunity   mots on several issues relating to
             for senior secondary and higher   education from these documents.  Active-Learning for Young Aspiring
                                                                               Minds) to improve access, equity and
             education students to engage safely   Challenges confronting education. Due
             with their communities in a National   to the nationwide lockdown, more   quality of education; E-pathshala
                                                                               programme to provide access to
             Service Scheme to acquire real expe-  than 350 million students, 10 million
             riences in society.              teachers in 1,028 universities, 41,901   learning material in several lan-
                                                                               guages. SWAYAM has a repository of
             What are your Top 3 proposals for reviv-  colleges, 10,726 stand-alone insti-  1,900 courses which are now being
             ing and reforming K-12 schooling in   tutes and 1.55 million schools have   accessed free-of-charge by students
             India?                           suspended regular classes. We need   in over 60 countries.
             First, we must elevate the teach-  to trust the power of education to   The SWAYAM platform will also
             ing profession, because teachers   motivate ourselves to continue learn-  offer 82 undergraduate and 42 post-
             are — and will remain — essential.   ing in different ways that are beyond   graduate non-engineering Moocs
             Second, we must reduce the sheer   the four walls of classrooms.   (Massive Open Online Courses)
             volume of facts and simple proce-  National lockdown response. To en-  listed by the University Grants
             dural knowledge in our curriculums   sure seamless continuation of the   Commission (UGC) in the semester
             and pay greater attention to develop-  learning process, the HRD ministry   starting July.

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