Page 28 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 28

Cover Story

             executives are separate and clearly
             defined show excellent results very
                For instance, in the high-end Indus
             International School, Bangalore (IIS-
             B estb.2003), Ms. Sarojini Rao is
             principal and head of academics,
             while Lt. Gen (Retd.) Arjun Ray
             is the chief executive of all Indus In-
             ternational schools (Bangalore, Pune
             and Hyderabad). This division of pow-
             ers has shown quick results. IIS-B has
             been ranked India’s #1 international
             day-cum-boarding school in the an-
             nual EducationWorld India School
             Rankings for eight years in succession
             with IIS-Pune and IIS-Hyderabad
             also ranked among the Top 10 coun-  Mohindra: rare practices & conditions  Misra: high-potential resource
             trywide. There is similar division of
             academic and administrative job roles   opment programme was introduced   chance of students being admitting
             in the new millennium American Ivy   in IIT-Bombay during my time with   before September, has presented in-
             league-style  private  liberal  arts  and   excellent results,” says Misra.   stitutional managements with unprec-
             sciences universities – Ashoka, Jindal   Misra believes it’s especially impor-  edented challenges. With switching to
             Global, Krea – which have captured   tant for higher learning leaders to de-  digital online learning having become
             the imagination of post-liberalisation   velop fundraising capabilities. “Most   imperative, intensive teacher training
             India’s aspirational middle and upper   education leaders including university   and development and capital expen-
             classes.                         vice chancellors seem unaware that   diture at a time when private school
             D         R. ASHOK MISRA, AN     source. The great majority of alumni   and government finances are under
                                              their alumni are a high-potential re-
                                                                               parents are demanding fee waivers
                                              are ready and willing to contribute
                       alum of IIT-Kanpur and
                                                                               severe strain, have become necessary.
                       Tufts and Massachusetts
                       universities, USA, and for-  donations to develop their alma ma-  With the general consensus being that
                                              ters. If well-managed institutions are
                                                                               even if a coronavirus vaccine is devel-
             mer director (2000-08) of IIT-Bom-  short of funds, their leaders are to   oped 12-15 months from now, educa-
             bay, believes the major infirmities of   blame. World-class universities such   tion pedagogies, processes and indeed
             India’s higher education institutions   as Harvard, Stanford — and almost   objectives, have transformed forever,
             are leadership deficit, poor gover-  every American university — have   your editors discerned an urgent need
             nance and shortage of excellent teach-  mobilised huge endowment corpuses   to highlight the responses and advice
             ers in that order. “There’s a severe   and/or have financed infrastructure   of the country’s most respected edu-
             shortage of strong, well-qualified and   development by marketing naming   cation leaders to the unprecedented
             purposive leaders in India’s education   rights to alumni and philanthropists.   Covid-19 crisis.
             institutions, and colleges and univer-  An endowment corpus gives manage-  In the pages following, we present
             sities in particular. Well-qualified vice   ment  greater  freedom  in  awarding   the recommendations of 50 carefully
             chancellors and mission-driven direc-  scholarships, improving infrastruc-  selected  education  leaders  on  ways
             tors who can stand up to politically ap-  ture and raising faculty pay and perks   and means to keep the flame of learn-
             pointed chancellors — and promoter   to attract high-quality teachers and   ing alive in the new Covid era and be-
             families in private universities — are   researchers. In India, several IITs   yond. Will India’s already struggling
             urgently required to provide good   and IIMs have established separate   school and tertiary education systems
             governance  which  in  turn  attracts   cells for fundraising and have built   fall further behind as most people ex-
             high-quality faculty. All colleges and   substantial corpuses. Their example   pect, or will they take a great leap for-
             universities should introduce leader-  should be widely emulated,” advises   ward with a new public awareness of
             ship development programmes which   Misra.                        the critical importance of real rather
             will typically include modules on best   The Covid-19 pandemic and na-  than ritual learning? Let’s heed the
             administrative practices, building   tional lockdown which has forced the   words of wisdom of people best quali-
             R&D culture, change management   closure of schools, colleges and uni-  fied to lead Indian education in the
             and fundraising. A leadership devel-  versities for two months with little   21st century.

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