Page 31 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 31

Teacher training and development.   Moreover under the ministry’s   ate their initiative and hope all other
             Teachers are being provided e-   direction, pending examinations   states will re-consider my request. I
             learning resources under the Pandit   are also being conducted at centres   also hope all schools would be pro-
             Madan Mohan Malaviya National    conveniently accessible by students.   viding timely salary to their teachers
             Mission on Teachers and Teach-   CBSE has added 12,000 additional   and staff.
             ing. The National Digital Library is   exam centres across the country to   Future plans. A task force has been
             now being accessed by over 43,000   enable social distancing norms at
             teachers daily. Simultaneously,   the centres.                    constituted within the ministry
                                                                               to take decisions on admissions,
             portals such as NCERT, DIKSHA,
             E-Pathshala, NROER (National     Fee waiver/deferment. Private schools   academic calendar, reopening of
                                              should reconsider annual hike in
                                                                               schools and guidelines to be fol-
             Repository of Open Educational
             Resources) and NIOS (National In-  fees and collecting fees on a quar-  lowed. They will initiate policies
                                              terly basis during the lockdown. I
                                                                               for the functioning of schools both
             stitute of Open Schooling) and other
             initiatives like robotics education   request all schools to join hands   during and immediately after the
                                              in the fight against coronavirus,
                                                                               pandemic. They will work at all
             (e-Yantra), open source software for
             education (FOSSEE), virtual experi-  empathise with parents amid this   levels until the WHO withdraws its
                                              global disaster and re-consider their
                                                                               pandemic declaration. We are also
             ments (virtual labs) and learning
             programming (spoken tutorial) are   decision. I am happy that some   working on the National Education
                                                                               Policy (NEP) at a faster pace and
                                              states have already taken positive
             also experiencing a surge in access
             rates.                           steps in this connection. I appreci-  will soon submit it to Union Cabinet.
               Gerry Arathoon                                                 We have directed our schools to levy
               CEO & Secretray, CISCE                                         only tuition fees and permit finan-
                                                                              cially constrained parents to pay in in-
                    n English and education postgrad of                       stallments until the lockdown is lifted.
                    Utkal University, Gerry Arathoon is the                   We have also advised our schools not
               Aformer principal of St. Thomas Church                         to increase tuition fees until the end
               School, Howrah, West Bengal, who signed up                     of the current academic year, and to
               with the Delhi-based pan-India Council for the                 maintain teacher and staff salaries/
               Indian School Certificate Examinations (CIS-                   emoluments.
               CE, estb.1958) board in 2002. In 2012, he was                  Top 3 proposals for reviving K-12 educa-
               appointed CEO and secretary general of the                     tion...
               board. Currently, CISCE has 3,000 affiliated                   Pedagogy.  Greater emphasis on
               schools across the country with an estimated                   process-based learning. Schools and
               2.5 million students.                                          teachers should ensure that rather
               How has CISCE responded to the Covid-19 chal-                  than being mere recipients of infor-
               lenge?                                                         mation, students are also actively in-
               CISCE has always encouraged its schools to adopt innova-  volved in the learning process.
               tive practices and modern technology in their day-to-day   Assessment. Exams should assess children’s knowl-
               classroom transactions. Following outbreak of Covid-19,   edge, capabilities and skills. Question papers should test
               CISCE has taken several initiatives. Some of them are:  students’ knowledge application, analysis and reasoning
               •  Several live teaching sessions have been organised by   capabilities.
               subject experts for classes III-XII through News 18, Ban-  Teacher training. Greater emphasis on training of
               gla and ABP Ananda television channels. Recordings of   teachers in pedagogies involving use of 21st century skills
               these sessions are available for public viewing on our web-  such as critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, etc,
               site                             along with greater use of technology in the teaching-learn-
               • Advisories have been sent to all affiliated schools to use   ing process.
               modern and digital media for imparting education during   What are your future plans for CISCE?
               the lockdown period.                            CISCE will adopt technology in a bigger way in all its op-
               • In addition to providing academic learning advice,   erations so that its operations do not remain restricted to
               CISCE has also tied up with the Fit India Mission of SAI   any particular location but can be run from any geographi-
               (Sports Authority of India) which has prepared live fitness   cal location.
               sessions for our schools. These sessions are also available   Online teaching. To reach out to all affiliated schools,
               on the CISCE website.                           even those in the remotest parts of the country and to ad-
               • Online platforms are being extensively used in the   dress the problem of non-availability of good teachers,
               board’s interaction with all stakeholders engaged in ex-  CISCE plans to venture into the area of online teaching.
               amination-related work.                         Review of existing pattern of question papers, on-
               Several state governments have issued fees waiver/deferment   line examinations and assessment. CISCE plans to
               circulars to private school managements. Your comment?  review its existing pattern of assessment at the ICSE and
               In CISCE, we have been carefully tracking the various fees   ISC levels so there is greater focus on questions that re-
               payment directives of state governments and high courts.   quire the ability to reason, analyse, justify and evaluate.

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