Page 34 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 34

Cover Story

             Atul Chauhan                     this activity has taken their minds   footprint, our goal is to provide high
             Chancellor, Amity University     off the stressful situation around   quality education to students around
                                              them. Moreover during the past two
                                                                               the world.
                                              months, 1,300 globally renowned in-
                                              tellectuals including Nobel laureates,   Ashish Dhawan
                                              CXOs and leading scientists have   Chairman, Central Square Foundation
                                              interacted with our students. Many
                                              of the lectures they delivered on our   n Yale and Harvard graduate,
                                              campuses are available at   Ashish Dhawan is the found-
                                              guestlectures.                   Aing-chairman of the Delhi-
                                              What are the major challenges confront-  based Central Square Foundation
                                              ing higher education in the new Covid-19
                                              Getting students back to campus
                                              safely will be — and should be — the
                                              first priority of universities, though
                                              in the near future, it seems classes
                                              will continue online. Moreover, chal-
                                              lenges such as writing exams and
                                              lab/practical classes require intel-
                                              ligent solutions. We are working on
                                              Several state governments have issued
                   n alumnus of University Col-
                   lege London and the London   fees waiver/deferment circulars to pri-
             ASchool of Economics, Atul       vate school and college managements.
             Chauhan is the chancellor of Amity   What’s your comment?
             University and chief executive of   It’s a hard time and an unprecedent-
             the Amity Group (estb.1994) which   ed situation for everybody. Under-
             comprises ten universities, 26 K-12   standing the economic impact on the
             schools and 30 other education   large number of people this pan-  (estb.2012), prior to which he served
             institutions in India and abroad. Ag-  demic has adversely affected, in Am-  as a highly successful investment
             gregate enrolment: 175,000 students   ity Group institutions we ourselves   banker (Chrys Capital). Dhawan is
             mentored by 15,000 teachers and   issued circulars to parents to come   also a trustee and prime mover of
             faculty.                         forward and inform the management   the crowd-funded blue-chip Ashoka
                                              in case they were experiencing fees   University, Sonipat, (Haryana).
             How has Amity University responded to   payment difficulties. We are interact-
             the Covid-19 pandemic challenge?  ing with our parent communities on   The Covid-19 crisis has hit government
             In Amity University, we took the   a one-on-one basis and supporting   and budget private schools hard. How
             challenge posed by the national lock-  those in financial difficulties with   well are they responding to this chal-
             down head on to ensure that our stu-  fees reduction, deferment and instal-  lenge?
             dents get the education they deserve.   ment facilities.          The current situation is very chal-
             Our campuses in Dubai were the first   What are your Top 3 proposals for reviv-  lenging for the education sector.
             to close down. Within two days, we   ing and reforming higher education in   Regardless of the type of school —
             had our systems running to teach   India?                         government or private — there has
             remotely. Within a few weeks, as   Government should establish a   been major disruption in education
             other countries locked down, we had                               and this will hurt students’ learning
             120,000 students learning from the   transparent outcomes-based fund-  outcomes and overall development.
                                              ing model for public universities;
             safety of their homes. In the past two                              In the short run, state govern-
             months, our faculty have held over   increase availability of student loans   ments are attempting to address
                                              to enhance access, and reduce regu-
             200,000 live online classes. And to                               this challenge, at least partially, by
             support working professionals sitting   latory constraints on private univer-  turning to online learning while
                                              sities and well-performing public
             at home, we provided free-of-charge                               schools are shut, and managing the
             career-upgradation courses on our   universities.                 logistics of board exams. Edtech al-
             website   Future plans...                 lows students to access content and
             Over 90,000 people in 70 countries   Amity University has already es-  continue learning. The Union HRD
             have benefited.                  tablished campuses in 12 countries   ministry and state governments are
                The Amity Youth Forum also    around the world. We intend to be-  promoting various digital initiatives
             went online and over 10,000      come operational in 20 over the next   such as DIKSHA, e-PATHSHALA,
             students from 200 universities   decade. Moreover, Amity is the first   SWAYAM and the TopParent app
             around the world participated in   university in India to be granted gov-  to ensure that the learning process
             over 80 competitions. The feedback   ernment approval to provide online   of children does not suffer. To help
             from our students is amazing as all   degree programmes. With our global   address the lack of high-quality

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