Page 37 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 37

They seem to be unaware that the                                  Responsible governments should be
             Covid-19 pandemic has adversely                                   sensitive towards all — including vi-
             affected everyone, including school                               tally important private schools — and
             promoters and managements.                                        not just parents.
             Schools are being denied their                                    What are your Top 3 proposals for reviv-
             legal right to collect fees which are                             ing and reforming the K-12 education
             urgently needed to pay the salaries                               system in India?
             of teachers and staff and keep the                                First, schools have to reinvent them-
             private school system alive.
                Secondly, I have apprehensions                                 selves. The prime lesson of the Co-
             that parents might hesitate to send                               vid-19 pandemic is that technology
             their children to pre-primaries,                                  must be infused into classrooms to
                                                                               aid and enhance learning outcomes.
             boarding schools and abroad, in the
             near future.                                                      Secondly, schools should learn to
                                                                               reduce their expenditure to make
                A large number of middle class
             households may shift their children                               education pocket-friendly. Third,
                                                                               the Central and state governments
             from high-end to relatively low-
             cost schools. Moreover, providing                                 should double their annual educa-
                                                                               tion budgetary outlays for public
             co-curricular, sports and life skills
             education will become a great chal-  schools. Driven by political compul-  education, so that quality education
                                                                               becomes accessible to financially
             lenge for school managements.    sions state governments are issuing
                                              orders without considering the plight   disadvantaged households.
             Several state governments have issued   of teachers and other employees of
             fees waiver/ deferment circulars to pri-  schools. As a result, even parents   What are your future plans?
             vate school managements. What’s your   who are perfectly capable of paying   To educate parents to understand that
             comment?                         contracted school fees are waiting   fee payment to schools is not expen-
             Neither the Central nor state govern-  for government fee waiver orders.   diture, but necessary investment and
             ments have the authority to interfere   However, they should bear in mind   to effectively communicate to Central
             in bilateral financial transactions/  that if the private education system   and state governments the message
             commitments between parents and   collapses, it may take years to revive.   that the private education sector is
                                                                               critical for national development.

              Swati Popat Vats
              President, Early Childhood Association
                   resident of the Podar Jumbo Kids (PJK) chain of
                   498 preschools with an enrolment of 45,000 chil-
              Pdren and 6,500 teachers across the country, and
              founder-president of  the Early  Childhood Association
              (ECA, estb.2011), Dr. Swati Popat Vats is India’s most
              fervent proponent of universal early childhood care and
              education (ECCE) for India’s 165 million children below
              age six.
              ECA’s Covid-19 disruption response. Much before the na-
              tional lockdown was announced on March 24, in associa-
              tion with Google, ECA organised a webinar to introduce
              ECCE teachers to digital teaching-learning options. After   sad because it has been proven beyond doubt that formal
              the lockdown, ECA has been conducting free-of-charge   ECCE is the foundation of all education. In particular,
              webinars daily for members and online refresher courses   standalone preschools promoted and managed by edupre-
              for educators. In addition, ECA has published a detailed   neurs are confronted with the prospect of financial ruin
              54-page guideline on reopening preschools and daycare   and closure as fees dry up.
              centres post-Covid. Moreover, all our PJK preschools are   Post Covid-19 ECCE reform recommendations.
              following a specially designed home-based learning pro-  • Central government should sharply upgrade the coun-
              gramme that combines yoga, home chores and live ses-  try’s 1.34 million anganwadis and implement recommen-
              sions with teachers on Facebook.                 dations of the draft National Education Policy of the K.
              Covid-19 challenges for ECCE. The Covid-19 crisis which has   Kasturirangan Committee
              forced closure of all education institutions including pre-  • National Council for Teacher Education should intro-
              primaries, will negate many years of hard work done by   duce structured teacher training degree programmes for
              ECA to impact the importance of ECCE upon parents and   pre-primary teachers in consultation with ECA
              government. Currently, parents are apprehensive about   • Central and state governments should involve ECA to
              sending youngest children to school and are increasingly   upgrade and reform anganwadis, and supervise private
              accepting the argument that ECCE is dispensable. This is   preschools.

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