Page 32 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 32

Cover Story

             Amrish Patel                     ing higher education in the new Covid-19   challenge is to scale good KG-Ph
                                              era?                                                                  D education in rural India where
             Managing trustee, SVKM Trust & Shirpur   The immediate challenge after impo-  90 percent of students report poor
             Education Society                sition of the lockdown was to shift to   learning outcomes.
                                              virtual classrooms and deliver aca-  Moreover, agriculture education
                                              demic programmes seamlessly. As-  and practices are obsolete. In Shir-
                                              sociated challenges were completing   pur, we have started a model 110-
                                              evaluation, maintaining the academ-  acre farm on which we will practice
                                              ic records of each student’s progres-  organic farming with latest Israeli
                                              sion to higher class, and completing   technology. Our intent is to revolu-
                                              the graduation process of final year   tionise farm practices and productiv-
                                              students. SVKM institutions met   ity. In this connection, the recent
                                              these challenges very effectively.  initiatives of the Central government
                                                Looking to the future, the major   to liberalise Indian agriculture is a
                                              challenge for HEIs (higher educa-  good beginning.
                                              tion institutions) will be to attract
                                              students from different geographic   C. Raj Kumar
                                              regions, states and countries. At least   Vice chancellor, O.P. Jindal Global University
                                              for the next year or two, colleges and
                                              universities will find it difficult to   n alumnus of Madras, Delhi,
                                              maintain student body and faculty      Oxford and Harvard univer-
                                              diversity as students are likely to  Asities, Dr. C. Raj Kumar is
                                              enrol in local HEIs for health safety   founding vice chancellor of the O.P.
                                              reasons.                         Jindal Global University, Sonipat,
                   mrish Patel is managing trust-  Placements and summer intern-  Haryana (JGU, estb.2009). JGU is
                   ee of the nationally renowned   ships are also likely to suffer. Due to   ranked among India’s Top 5 private
             AMumbai-based SVKM Trust         the economic slowdown, students   universities by EducationWorld.
             (estb.1934) and founder of the   may also lose the opportunity to get   The Covid-19 crisis has majorly dis-
             Shirpur Education Society (SES) and   valuable internship exposure and   rupted the education system. How has
             R.C. Patel Trust, Shirpur (RCPT).   deserved placements.          JGU responded to this challenge?
             The SVKM trust manages seven                                      This is an unprecedented situa-
             schools, 12 colleges and NMIMS   What are your Top 3 proposals for reviv-  tion that all education institutions
             Deemed University with an aggre-  ing and reforming higher education in   are facing worldwide. As the crisis
             gate enrolment of 62,000 students   India?                        drew on, we realised we had to find
             and 1,900 teachers. The SES and   With the GER (gross enrolment   robust alternative strategies to ad-
             RCPT trusts provide pre-primary to   ratio) in higher education in India   dress emerging developments. We
             junior college education to 34,000   averaging 30 percent against 60-80   immediately set to work to move
             children in Shirpur.             percent in industrially developed
                                              OECD countries, there is urgent need   the entire teaching delivery mecha-
             How have SVKM institutions responded   for major reforms in higher educa-  nism of all our 5,100 students in the
             to the Covid-19 challenge?       tion. The critical challenges con-  nine constituent schools of JGU, to
             Fortunately, SVKM institutions have   fronting HEIs are: employability of   the online learning mode. We also
             been investing in digital technology   graduates; improving quality of the   adapted the design and delivery of
             to strengthen learning and academic   teaching-learning ecosystem; insuf-  the university’s assessments and
             processes for the past several years.   ficient funding and technology sup-  exams to suit the new online mode.
             Therefore, the already existing   port; lack of institutional autonomy
             technology infrastructure helped   and excessive regulation of even
             us to make quick use of installed   highly rated and well-performing
             technology in programme delivery   HEIs.
             and evaluation, to ensure academic
             continuity.                      You are also the managing trustee of the
                SVKM institutions include several   Shirpur Education Society (SES) which
             colleges affiliated with the University   has done extraordinary work in rural
             of Mumbai, autonomous institutions   education. What’s your prescription for
             and NMIMS Deemed University.     reviving/advancing rural education?
             A positive outcome of the Covid-19   SES (estb.1986) has promoted over
             pandemic is that it provided all our   70 education institutions in the
             institutions the opportunity to trans-  vicinity of Shirpur on the Maharash-
             form themselves, adopt new technol-  tra/Madhya Pradesh border provid-
             ogy and handle the process of change   ing high-quality SVKM benchmarked
             management effectively.          school and collegiate education. But
                                              SES institutions accommodate only
             What are the major challenges confront-  5,000 students. Therefore, the real

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