Page 27 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 27

Eager-to-learn children & youth: visionary institutional leadership prerequisite

             and visionary institutional leadership. Unfortunately, as in   to flower are rare in the country’s education institutions.
             all walks of life in this ill-fated nation dominated by the   Instead teachers and professors are usually promoted to
             ubiquitous neta-babu (politician-bureaucrat) brotherhood   leadership roles based on their years of academic experi-
             that controls and commands every sector of the economy   ence. Rarely is leadership training given to senior teachers
             including school and higher education, independent, pro-  prior to their being elevated to the principal’s office, and
             gressive education leaders are a rare species.    after that they are seldom given the operational freedom to
                 The bald truth is that the vast majority of principals,   develop their leadership competencies. The consequence is
             directors and vice chancellors who head the country’s 1.2   that India’s best schools, colleges and universities suffer in
             million government primary-secondary schools, 39,931   comparison with the world’s best,” says Capt. (Retd) Raj
             colleges and 935 universities are individuals whose main   Mohindra, promoter-director of Raj Mohindra Consul-
             qualifications are high capability to manage great and small   tants, Mumbai, one among India’s most respected educa-
             politicians and bureaucrats, rather than effectively nurture   tion consultancy firms which has conceptualised, designed
             and develop great institutions. This explains why so few,   and operationalised some of India’s top-ranked primary-
             if any of India’s universities — some of them of over 150   secondary schools, including the Mahindra United World
             years vintage — figure in WUR league tables of QS, THE,   College, Pune, and Ecole Mondiale and the Dhirubhai Am-
             Shanghai Jiao Tong or any other globally respected rating   bani International School, Mumbai.
             agencies.                                           Pervasive disinterest in training and preparing bright-
                “It’s substantially true that there’s a leadership deficit   est and best academics with administrative capabilities
             in Indian education at all levels — primary, secondary and   for institutional leadership roles apart, the practice of
             tertiary. But it’s also true that leadership skills cannot be   separating teaching from management/administration is
             developed without adequate support by way of immersive   conspicuously absent in Indian education. The outcome of
             training, clear policies and procedures, and well-remuner-  this structural flaw is that over-burdened principals and
             ated teachers and faculty. Moreover school leaders must be   vice chancellors tend to fall between two stools, and are
             accorded respect and freedom of operations by their man-  neither good academics, nor efficient administrators. The
             agements. These practices and conditions for leadership   few schools in which the roles of academic heads and chief

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