Page 25 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 25

Young Achievers

                                                          without our generous   In AIASC 2019, participants were
                                                          sponsors — Meritor   given access to real-time data from
                                                          Commercial Vehicle   the Pan Starrs Telescope, sited in
                                                          Systems India Pvt.   Hawaii, USA, and were required
                                                          Ltd, Accuspirals and   to search for asteroids in the solar
                                                          Metal Power Ana-     system’s Main Belt Asteroid — be-
                                                          lytical (I) Pvt. Ltd —   tween the orbits of Jupiter and Mars
                                                          college management   — over a span of four weeks using
                                                          and senior faculty   advanced data analysis and specially
                                                          Dr. Nataraj J.R. Our   designed software. At the end of the
                                                          all-terrain vehicle cost   prescribed four-week time period,
                                                          us Rs.5 lakh to put on   Nikhil’s claim of having discovered
                                                          the road,” acknowl-  a new asteroid was verified as one of
                                                          edges Chinmay.       13 asteroid discovered by 17 partici-
              Chinmay Bukinkere (rear centre right)         Though currently   pants.
                                                          in the thick of his final   The only child of software en-
                  TEAM HELIOS RACING          year (online) exam, Chinmay is en-  gineer Anil Kumar Jha and home-
                                                                               maker Runa, Nikhil acknowledges
                                              thused by the success of GT 20 and
                                              believes the experience will stand all   institutional support. “I attribute
                  angalore-based Team Helios   team members in good stead. “My   this achievement to my school’s as-
                  Racing — comprising 50      experience as a Helios Racing team   tronomy club mentor Aryan Mishra.
             Bengineering undergrads of       member has taught me the critical   I have requested AIASC to name the
             the city’s RV College of Engineer-  importance of time and team man-  asteroid MAPNIK using the MAP
             ing (RVCE) — bested 40 teams to   agement. I’m certain these lessons   acronym to represent my school fol-
             be crowned national champions    will prove useful in our future ca-  lowed by the first three letters of my
             at the Enduro Student India (ESI)   reers in industry and will be of value   name,” he says.
             competition staged in Talegaon,   to our employers,” says Chinmay,   Nikhil’s interest in astronomy
             Pune from February 7-10. The team   who is all praise for RVCE’s learning-  was ignited by his science teacher
             bagged a humongous trophy and    by-doing culture.                K.S. Devina when he was in class V.
             prize money of Rs.2.65 lakh.             Paromita Sengupta (Bangalore)   “Stargazing became a habit since I
                Started in 2014 by the Kolkata-                                started attending the first few classes
             based SplitSecond Engineering                                     on science and space. But my formal
             & Performance Pvt. Ltd, Enduro        NIKHIL JHA                  introduction to astronomy took place
             Student India is a design competi-                                three years later when I enrolled
             tion open to engineering students                                 in my school’s astronomy club,” he
             to design, build and test all-terrain   arly teen Nikhil Jha (14) is   says.
             vehicles.                             the latest to join the country’s   Inspired by the Golden Globe
                Founded by a group of final year  Eexclusive club of asteroid hunt-  award-winning English film The
             mechanical engineering students of   ers. This class X student of Mount   Martian, Nikhil aspires to qualify
             the 2007 batch, Team Helios Rac-  Abu Public School, Delhi was among   as an astronaut after completing his
             ing of RVCE — ranked among the   17 of 1,000 participants countrywide   Plus Two. “I am waiting for India
             country’s Top 10 private engineer-  to spot an asteroid in the online All   to become Covid-free so that I can
             ing colleges in the latest Education-  India Asteroid Search Campaign   teach astronomy to underprivileged
             World Private Engineering Colleges   (AIASC) held in July-August 2019,   children,” says this asteroids hunter
             Rankings 2020-21 — designs and   the results of which were declared   with sky-high ambitions.
             fabricates all-terrain vehicles to   last month (May).                     Akhila Damodaran (Bangalore)
             compete in national and interna-    Started in 2010 by Space
             tional competitions.             Technology & Education
                Steered by captain Chinmay    Pvt. Ltd (aka Space India)
             Bukinkere, Team Helios started   — an NGO committed to
             working on its prototype GT20    popularising astronomy and
             last March (2019). “We spent four   space sciences in associa-
             months brainstorming our designs   tion with the International
             and ideas, then three months build-  Astronomical Search Col-
             ing it and another three months   laboration led by Dr. Patrick
             testing it. Team members assigned   Miller of Hardin Simmons
             with technical duties designed   University, USA — the All
             GT20 on Catia, a multi-platform   India Asteroid Search Cam-
             software suite for computer-     paign is a unique real-time
             aided design and manufacturing,   competitive research experi-
             and leveraged Ansys and Matlab   ence for school students
             software for analysis. This achieve-  and amateur astronomers
             ment wouldn’t have been possible   in India.

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