Page 21 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 21

students to experiment, brainstorm   regular  tracking  and  resolution  of   mise online teaching-learning.
             and experience wonderful learning   technical issues, obtaining parents’   Connecting conceptual knowl-
             outcomes,” says  Vinita Khalad-  feedback and supporting parents with   edge to the real world. Students
             kar, principal, Educon International   convenient tuition fees payment op-  are encouraged to apply theory to
             School.                          tions. WPS has also prepared a care-  real world events and reflect on their
                                              fully tailored interim online learning   responses to hypothetical situations.
             Vedant International Preschool,   programme for special needs children.   Regular assessment and feed-
                                                “In WPS, we believe no matter what
             Ahmedabad                        disruptions we may experience, conti-  back. Teachers conduct regular quiz-
                                                                               zes and share assignments through
                 ince the lockdown announcement   nuity of learning of the next genera-  MS Forms, Class Notebooks etc to
             Sin late March, the management   tion must be maintained. In these dif-  assess students’ comprehension and
             and staff of the Ahmedabad-based   ficult days of the pandemic, our mettle   provide prompt feedback. Doubts
             Vedant International Preschool (VIP)   as educators and students has been   clearing and one-on-one personalised
             have drawn up a comprehensive con-  tested, tried and proven. The WPS   interaction is also available to enable
             tingency plan for a smooth transition   community is committed to ensuring   learning and exchange of ideas.
             to  digital online learning. The plan   that the learning process continues to   Active involvement of parents
             framework:                       instill hope of a brighter future for all,”   community. Teachers regularly in-
             Innovative virtual learning solu-  says Prema Muralidhar, education   teract with parents for suggestions
             tions. Supported by technical staff,   affairs director and principal, WPS.  and obtain feedback about the school’s
             VIP teachers are regularly uploading                              online learning initiatives.
             specially designed age-appropriate   Venkateshwar Global School, Delhi  “Our teachers are investing great
             educational content for youngest chil-                            effort to ensure that online classes are
             dren and sharing recorded videos for   esponding swiftly to the emergen-  engaging and interesting for students.
             play-learning activities at home on a  Rcy national lockdown, the man-  Our prime objective is to offer person-
             weekly basis.                    agement of the CBSE-affiliated co-ed   alised learning that allows students
             Regular interaction with staff.   K-12 Venkateshwar Global School   to flower without losing their enthu-
             School heads regularly interact with   (VGS), New Delhi, has connected with   siasm as they transition from physi-
             teachers to discuss problems they face   all students by providing online learn-  cal to online classrooms,” says Rajiv
             while conducting virtual classes to en-  ing through a blend of digital pedago-  Solanki, chairman of VGS.
             able them to provide children enjoy-  gies and technologies.
             able online learning experiences.  The features of VGS’ virtual learn-
                “We  were  among  the first pre-  ing programme are:           The Green School Bangalore
             schools in the city to use the digital   Embedding digital citizenship in   first mover in making a swift
             medium to ensure youngest children   students. Teachers share a set of ex- A transition to online learning fol-
             remain active and engaged at home.   plicit expectations for online partici-  lowing imposition of the nationwide
             Home schooling has proved ideal in   pation, communication and etiquette   lockdown after the outbreak of Coro-
             these testing times. Apart from learn-  before classes commence. Moreover,   navirus pandemic, The Green School,
             ing, our online teacher-pupil interac-  teachers ensure their instructions are   Bangalore (TGSB) has drawn up a
             tions teach children discipline and   crisp and to the point.     comprehensive learning continuity
             time management,” says Priya Raj-  Focus  on  ‘active  and  blended   plan.
             pal, headmistress/franchise coordi-  learning’. VGS’ online lessons offer   Seamless  virtual  learning. The
             nator, VIP.                      a blend of discussion, collaboration,   school has leveraged its Learning
                                              video and audio clips, and hands-on   Management System platform to offer
             Woodlem Park School, Ajman, UAE  exercises to enable students to grasp   online education through a combina-
                                              academic concepts. Role play, de-  tion of flipped and blended learning
                 pioneer  in  digital  learning,  the   bates, open question-answer forums,   pedagogies.
             A  Woodlem Park School (WPS),    flipped learning and other pedagogies   Teacher development. Continuous
             Ajman (UAE) has quickly switched   are employed to ensure continuous   training of teachers is being provided
             to providing digital online learning to   learning.               using augmented reality and Micro-
             all students through its Learning Man-  Using digital tools and applica-  soft tools to enable them to make on-
             agement System which is supported   tions. Live online classes are con-  line classes more engaging to improve
             by a range of new technologies.   ducted on the MS Teams platform   students’ learning outcomes.
                The school follows a multi-pronged   with teachers using digital applica-  Community engagement.  All
             teaching-learning strategy that in-  tions such as MS Forms, Class Note-  stakeholders have been mobilised
             cludes continuous teacher training,   books, Assignments, Sway etc, to opti-  to ensure provision of proper meals

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