Page 17 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 17

warns that if a large number of the   caused by the cyclone, Banerjee, who
             country’s private preschools are   in the recent past has emerged as ar-
             forced to shut down and lay off thou-  guably the most adamant vocal critic
             sands of teachers and support staff,   of prime minister Narendra Modi
             Indian education will suffer a severe   and the BJP/NDA government at the
             setback. “The temporary alternative   Centre, had to swallow her pride and
             to sending little children to brick-  appeal to New Delhi for financial and
             and-mortar preschools is to actively   army/paramedical aid from the Cen-
             engage them with brief one-hour   tre. Responding to the widespread
             video chats by qualified ECCE pro-  damage caused by the cyclone, Modi
             fessionals. This limited screen time   visited Bengal on May 22, and follow-
             option will ensure continuity of for-  ing an aerial survey of the cyclone-hit
             mal ECCE for the next few months.   districts announced a Rs.1,000 crore
             Preschools and anganwadi teach-  relief and rehab package for Bengal
             ers should also involve parents by   and  neighbouring  Odisha,  and  also
             prescribing activities which ensure   deployed army personnel to clean up
             joyful learning at home during these   the mess.
             stressful times,” says Popat Vats.       Meanwhile on the eve of the eas-
                This is good advice. It offers   ing of national lockdown 1.0 with
             anxious parents the option of    considerable leeway given to state
             restarting their youngest children’s   governments, on May 30 Banerjee
             preschool learning at home. Against   announced that places of worship will
             the backdrop of growing awareness   reopen from June 1 and government,   Bengal.
             of the importance of professionally   private and public sector companies   ll these arrangements are being
             administered ECCE, it offers a via   will work with full complements of  Aaccorded high importance be-
             media between prolonged suspen-  employees from June 8. However, the   cause elections for West Bengal’s leg-
             sion of early learning and the health   state’s 95,000 government and nearly   islative assembly are scheduled to be
             risk of youngest children venturing   1,200 private schools will remain shut   held next May (2021). As the race hots
             to preschools until the Covid-19   till June 30, because of extensive dam-  up, verbal clashes between the Ma-
             crisis blows over.               age caused to school buildings by the   mata Banerjee-led government and
                      Akhila Damodaran (Bangalore)  cyclone and also because schools are   the BJP government at the Centre are
                                              being used as quarantine centres for   becoming more strident. With the pre-
               WEST BENGAL                    migrant workers who have returned   viously unheralded BJP having won 18
             TMC trump card                   to the state. According to education   out of 42 seats allotted to Bengal in the
                                                                               Lok Sabha, Delhi, in General Election
                                              minister  Partha Chatterjee, once
                                              schools reopen classes  will be held   2019, the saffron party has emerged
                      hile  all  of  india  and  the   on alternate days for 50 percent of   as the principal opposition in the state
                      world was fighting the Co-  children to observe social distancing   and its leadership is pulling out all
             Wvid-19 pandemic, the east       norms.                           stops to topple the TMC government
             coast state of West Bengal (pop. 91   However class XII school-leaving   which has the anti-incumbency disad-
             million) which has reported a mod-  exams will be held on June 29, July   vantage of running for a third term.
             est 5,772 Covid positive cases and 335   2 and July 6 as scheduled. The West   Therefore on May 30, within nine
             fatalities (June 1) was hit by a double   Bengal Council of Higher Secondary   days of Amphan visiting devastation
             whammy. Supercyclone Amphan with   Education has been asked to take all   on the state, Banerjee made direct
             wind speeds of 155-165 km per hour   necessary precautions for staging   bank transfers of Rs.20,000 to 5 lakh
             ravaged the state claiming nearly 100   the exams in 1,058 centres across   families who lost their homes. More-
             lives and destroying the property of   the state. “If necessary, the buildings   over, 3 lakh farmers in these districts
             10 million citizens in 14 of the state’s   of some colleges can be used for the   will get Rs.1,500 per acre as compen-
             23 districts leaving behind uprooted   higher secondary exams,” says Chat-  sation for crop damage adding up to
             trees, power cuts and prolonged water   terjee who has left the decision of   a total of Rs.6,250 crore released for
             logging. According to chief minister   resumption of campus activities of   relief and rehabilitation work in nine
             Mamata Banerjee, homes, crops,   colleges and universities and date of   districts of the state.
             roads and infrastructure damage is   holding final year semester exams to   While the betting is against TMC
             valued at Rs.1 lakh crore.       the vice chancellors’ council compris-  being returned to power in West Ben-
                Dismayed by the scale of damage   ing VCs of all 20 state universities in   gal for the third consecutive term, the

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