Page 18 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 18

Education News

             chief minister has favourably impressed the state’s influ-  THEY SAID IT IN MAY
             ential bhadralok (refined middle class) with her public
             education reforms of the past five years. Therefore, some   “With the existing digital divide, expanding
             monitors of West Bengal’s unruly political scene believe   online education will push the digital have-
             this fiery woman leader who famously extinguished the   nots to the periphery of the education system,
             CPM (Communist Party of India-Marxist), which mis-  thereby increasing inequity in educational
             ruled the state for 34 years consecutively (1977-2011),   outcomes.”
             almost a decade ago, may pull it off again.
                                      Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)  Protiva Kundu of the Centre for Budget and
                                                                 Governance Accountability on how the Covid-19
                                                                 pandemic has exacerbated the education inequities
               TAMIL NADU                                        of Indian society (, May 5)
             Dire financial condition                            “It is important to put this on the table: this

                                                                 virus may become just another endemic
                   amil nadu’s 18,000 private unaided and 16,500
                   budget private schools (BPS) are experiencing   virus in our communities, and this virus may
             Tan unprecedented financial crunch. Because of      never go away. There is some magical think-
             the Covid-19 lockdown — education institutions in the   ing going on that lockdowns work perfectly
             state have been shuttered for over 80 days — they have   and that unlocking lockdowns will go great.
             not been able to collect fees from parents. A majority   Both are fraught with dangers.”
             of them are set to default in paying remuneration for   Dr. Mike Ryan, WHO emergencies director in an
             April-June quarter to their nearly 3 lakh teachers and   interview with BBC (May 14)
             1.5 lakh non-teaching staff.
                 Moreover, with the state’s AIADMK government    “By referring the matter back to a commit-
             having issued a directive (April 20) ordering all pri-  tee led by the home ministry, the court has
             vate schools and college managements not to compel   violated all principles of natural justice. It has
             students or parents to collect advance tuition fees for   created a new evil. It implies that the home
             the forthcoming academic year 2020-21 during the    ministry can be plaintiff, judge, executioner,
             lockdown period, private independent schools and espe-
             cially BPS are stretched to meet salaries, infrastructure,   jury in its own cause. It will not be held to ac-
             maintenance and bank instalment payments.           count when it abridges the liberties of Indian
                 “We don’t have the cash flow to pay our teachers’   citizens.”
             salaries or to provide basic necessities at school. With   Dr. Pratap Bhanu Mehta, former vice chancellor of
             some difficulty, we paid the salaries for March but after   Ashoka University, on a petition in the Supreme Court
                                   that, we have not been able   asking for restoration of 4G access in Kashmir (Indian
                                   to meet salary or mainte-     Express, May 16)
                                   nance expenses. Ours is a
                                   budget private school levying   “We have underfunded our public health
                                   total fees of Rs.14,000-      system and starved it of resources for a
                                   20,000 per year, depending    long time, a problem that we cannot now
                                   on the economic condition of   fix overnight. I can only hope that we do
                                   parents. We collect term fees   not forget this mistake once the pandemic
                                   in advance but due to the     passes.”
                                   sudden closure of schools,    Dr. Satyajit Rath, former scientist, National Institute of
                                   we couldn’t collect fees for   Immunology, on the rising number of coronavirus
             James Sathya Raj      the third term ending April.   cases (Hindustan Times, May 20)
                                   Moreover, 25 percent of stu-
             dents are yet to settle the fees of the previous year,” says
             James Sathya Raj, principal of the state board-affil-  “The Chinese might grow even more
             iated K-12 St. John’s Matriculation Higher Secondary   prosperous and powerful, and yet China
             School, Chennai, which has 2,000 students mentored by   shall never attract the range of friends and
             100 teachers on its muster rolls.                   admirers in other countries that their great
                The dire financial condition of private schools is ex-  rival, the United States, has, and will.”
             acerbated by the prolonged neglect of the state govern-  Ramchandra Guha, historian and author, on why China
             ment to pay private schools their accrued dues. Under   will never conquer the world (, May 29)

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