Page 16 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 16

Education News

             this critically important issue.”                                          runs four preschools in
                On  May  31  following  a  meeting                                      Bangalore with an ag-
             with governor Koshyari after the state                                     gregate enrolment of 200
             government extended the lockdown in                                        children.
             Maharashtra to June 30, chief minis-                                          Priyanka Thareja
             ter Uddhav Thackeray announced a                                           Khurana, centre head
             cabinet decision to cancel final year                                      of Indus Early Learning
             college and university exams. Degrees                                      Centre (IELC, estb.2011),
             will be awarded to 8-10 lakh students                                      ranked Bangalore’s #1
             in higher education after evaluating                                       proprietary preschool in
             their performance in semester exams                                        the EW India Preschool
             and through the academic year. How-                                        Rankings 2019-20,
             ever, these students have the option to                                    endorses this viewpoint.
             write formal examinations in October-                                      “Children in their early
             November.                        IELC’s Khurana: foundational block        years need stimulation
                Adding to the confusion regarding                                       and socialisation. Im-
             the actual status of final year exams is   this perception has changed in recent   prisoning them at home and denying
             the fact that days after the state’s chief   times with a growing number of   them professionally delivered ECCE
             minister declared exams cancelled,   educationists proclaiming its vital   is not a good idea. Modern day
             universities across the state are still   importance, medical practitioners   informed opinion is almost unani-
             to officially notify students about the   advise caution against sending   mous that preschool learning is the
             cancellation.                    youngest learners to preschools in a   foundational block of all learning,”
                The fallout of this huge cohort of   hurry in these pandemic times.   says Khurana, an alumna of South-
             untested students entering the jobs   “There are very few reported   ern Methodist University, Dallas,
             market at a time when the economy is   coronavirus positive cases among   USA, who has 13 years pre-primary
             forecast to contract by 5 percent and   youngest children because they’ve   teaching experience in the US and
             graduate unemployment at 36 percent   been secluded at home during the   India, and was appointed principal of
             is at its highest in three decades, is   lockdown. They should be retained at   IELC, which has an enrolment of 120
             best left to the imagination.    home at least for another two-three   children, in 2016.
                            Dipta Joshi (Mumbai)  months as they have low immunity.   herefore, on May 30, KCPS
                                              It is better that they are not sent to  Tsubmitted a memorandum to
               KARNATAKA                      preschool as yet,” says Dr. Gururaj   state education minister S. Suresh
             Private preschools               Biradar, consultant, pediatric and   Kumar requesting permission to re-
                                                                               open preschools at the earliest. Over
                                              neonatology department at Manipal
             predicament                      Hospitals, Bangalore.            500,000 private preschools, angan-
                                                                               wadis, standalone play and daycare
                                                However, the Bangalore-based
                                              Karnataka Council of Pre-Schools   centres in Karnataka including an
                    lthough the 68 day-national   (KCPS, estb.2015), which has a mem-  estimated 40,000 in Bangalore,
                    lockdown prompted by the   bership of 2,000 private preschools   with an aggregate enrolment of 1.5
             ACovid-19 pandemic has hit       statewide, differs. “Most private   million children have been shut for
             the entire education sector hard, it   preschools in the state follow safety   more than 60 days. These are mainly
             has perhaps hit pre-primaries, aka   protocols well beyond government   small proprietorial schools promoted
             preschools, hardest. In Karnataka,   prescribed norms. Therefore, parents   by women and they are in severe
             185 standalone preschools are re-  should not hesitate to send young-  financial straits with new admis-
             portedly up for sale.            est children to school after checking   sions, summer camps and all other
                Pre-primaries have been particu-  out their infrastructure and safety   activities suspended. Unsurprisingly,
             larly impacted by the national lock-  protocols. Keeping little children   most have stopped paying teachers
             down ordered by the Central gov-  locked up at home for too long is   and other staff salaries.
             ernment on March 25, because the   not advisable for their psychological   Dr. Swati Popat Vats, president
             popular perception is that preschools   well-being and loss of very important   of the Mumbai-based Podar Jumbo
             are mere daycare and unstructured   professionally administered ECCE   Kids chain with 498 preschools pan-
             play centres for infants and toddlers   (early childhood care and educa-  India and founder-president of the
             of double income working parents,   tion),” says Pruthvi Banwasi,   Early Childhood Association of India
             and not much is lost if tiny tots don’t   secretary of KCPS and promoter of   (estb.2011) which has a membership
             attend play-learn classes. Although   Roots Montessori (estb.2004) which   of 3,800 preschools countrywide,

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