Page 19 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 19

s.12 (1) (c) of the Right of Children   three years later, we are being   mated 5.7 million children enrolled
             to Free & Compulsory Education   given the standard answer that   in Tamil Nadu’s 35,000 private
             (RTE) Act, 2009, all private schools   the matter is under consideration   independent and budget schools
             — except minority promoted schools   of the state finance ministry. As   overdue for over three months,
             exempted by the Supreme Court in   per the RTE Act rules framed by   their managements, promoters and
             2012 — are obliged to admit chil-  the state government, 50 percent   proprietors have had to dig deep
             dren of poor households in their   of the reimbursement amount    into savings to pay the salaries
             neighbourhood free-of-charge in   is payable to private schools as   of teachers and employees. With
             classes I-VIII to the extent of 25   soon as a child is admitted under   the Covid-19 pandemic still not
             percent of capacity. S.12 (2) of the   s.12 (1) (c) with the remaining 50   having peaked and raging across
             Act mandates that the cost of their   percent paid during the academic   Tamil Nadu, and Chennai having
             education is reimbursed to the extent   year, generally by September. But   emerged as a hotspot, the least the
             of per child expenditure incurred   this rule is observed more in the   state government can do is release
             by the state government in its own   breach. Given the severe cash flow   their s.12 (2) dues.
             schools. However, almost all state   problems that private — especially   Indeed it should do more by
             governments countrywide have been   budget — schools are experienc-  making direct benefit transfers
             very laggard in reimbursing private   ing, the state government should   of children’s tuition fees into the
             schools the amounts owed to them   do immediately clear their s.12   bank accounts of private schools.
             under s.12 (2).                  (2) reimbursement amounts,”      There is a clear and present danger
                “In April this year, the state   says advocate M.J. John Arokia   of collapse of Tamil Nadu’s private
             government belatedly paid Rs.500   Prabhu, vice president of the   schools system which is primarily
             crore s.12 (2) reimbursements for   Tamil Nadu Private Schools As-  responsible for the good reputation
             the year 2018-19 which was dis-  sociation and legal advisor to the   this southern seaboard state enjoys
             tributed statewide with the excep-  Delhi-based National Independent   for high quality
             tion of private schools in Chennai   Schools Alliance (NISA).     education.
             who are owed Rs.60 crore. Almost   With the tuition fees of an esti-      Shivani Chaturvedi (Chennai)

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