Page 20 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 20

Education Briefs

             Covid-19: Challenge & Response                                    Each day, I see schools mounting the

                                                                               steepest learning curve that education
                                                                               has seen,” says Monica Patel, CEO,
                   he silver lining of the Covid-19   sports and co-curricular education,   FIMI.
                   crisis and the susbequent lock-  online health and fitness, yoga, music
             Tdown of all education institu-  and dance classes are also being con-  Educon International School,
             tions from KG to Ph D is that it has   ducted online on a regular basis.   Baner, Pune
             stimulated innovative ICT solutions   Management motivation. Teach-
             to ensure continuity of teaching-learn-  ers are provided with eBooks and   he Educon International School
             ing. Here’s how several randomly se-  all the requisite resources to provide  T(EIS), Baner, prides itself for be-
             lected education companies and insti-  high-quality online education.  ing among the first schools in Pune
             tutional managements are responding   “Witnessing the transformation of   to respond to the national lockdown
             to the Covid-19 challenge.       our teachers and students into digital   threat through timely implementation
                                              savvy online learners is a very satis-  of on-campus containment measures
             Shemford Futuristic School,      fying experience. Our path-breaking   and ensuring a smooth transition to
             Burdwan                          online teaching-learning initiative has   online learning through its student-
                                                                               centric Virtual Learning Framework.
                                              transformed my attitude and outlook
                 hemford Futuristic School (SFS),   towards digital learning. I am looking   The framework encapsulates Skype,
             SBurdwan (West Bengal) in col-   forward to ideating more innovative   MS Teams, flipped classroom, What-
             laboration with its strategy and com-  ways to respond to changing times,”   sApp videos, Facebook, live platforms
             munications partner Rite Angles, has   says A. Stephan Raj, principal, SFS.  and educational tools Kahoot, Bric-
             confronted the Covid-19 pandemic                                  math, Coderz and Flipgrid.
             challenge by introducing an innova-  First in Math India Pvt. Ltd   EIS’ comprehensive virtual learn-
             tive School at Home programme to                                  ing strategy includes:
             sustain uninterrupted learning of     umbai-based First in Math In-  Video lessons.  EIS’ flipped class-
             students.  The features of the School  Mdia Pvt. Ltd (FIMI, estb.2014),   room pedagogy encourages students
             at Home online learning programme   a  subsidiary  of  the  Pennsylvania   to study concepts at home and discuss
             are:                             (USA)-based Suntex International   them with teachers and peers in vir-
             Teacher training. Teachers are   Inc (estb.1988), has launched its   tual classrooms.
             trained by ICT experts through inter-  Global No Cost Programme to ensure   Online summer camp. Co-curric-
             active and informative training ses-  students continue to learn maths dur-  ular activities including daily art and
             sions to enhance online teaching on   ing the prolonged lockdown of schools   crafts DIY, music, dance, cooking,
             Zoom and other apps.             following outbreak of the Covid-19   coding and science experiments, are
             Structured learning. Live classes   pandemic.                     routinely being conducted using the
             are conducted for every class through   Since mid-March, 12.3 million   Facebook live platform to keep stu-
             Zoom and WhatsApp platforms ac-  worksheets have been uploaded on-  dents actively engaged.
             cording to  weekly  time-tables. Stu-  line in 80 days and students around   Series on coronavirus. A five-ep-
             dents post their homework on What-  the world have solved over 25 million   isode Unesco series on the coronavi-
             sApp groups for periodic assessment.  problems on the First in Math plat-  rus crisis was broadcast on Facebook
             Online assessment. Google Forms   form from the comfort of their homes.   to educate EIS students on ways and
             is leveraged for online assessment of   Moreover, 63,000 new classrooms in   means to cope with the pandemic
             students. Teachers also provide regu-  India have enrolled with FIMI.  while learning in the lockdown era.
             lar assignments and worksheets as   The features of the Global No Cost   Students were invited to produce vid-
             part of the school’s continuous learn-  programme are: interactive guided   eos on how they are coping and share
             ing system.                      maths practice, embedded assess-  them. These videos are available on
             Student-teacher connect. Stu-    ment and remediation learning cycles   EIS’ social media pages and Unesco’s
             dents interact with teachers in dedi-  aligned to learning outcomes, and   official website.
             cated WhatsApp groups to clarify   immersive maths learning and self-  Teacher training.  EIS teachers
             doubts and coordinate daily assign-  assessment in real-time.     are encouraged to sign up for online
             ments and homework. Class teach-   “Ed-leaders have talked about   courses to keep themselves updated
             ers note absentees, their reasons of   moving away from lectures and stan-  about new pedagogical practices and
             absence, and send study material to   dardised assessments, but the leap   emerging new technologies.
             them.                            was  too  far to take. By  default,  Co-  “This unexpected situation has
             Sports & co-curricular educa-    vid-19 pushed all schools and parents   taught us to diligently explore digital
             tion.  Given  SFS’  strong  focus  on   to adapt to flipped/blended learning.   and virtual learning options, engage

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