Page 59 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 59
• Given the vast income disparities fees that many private schools levy have-nots
that are endemic in Indian society, at the start of the new academic • Indian society has to find solu-
how will children from socio-eco- year. In our case, the chairman of tions to make teaching a respect-
nomically disadvantaged households our board of governors has written able profession and ensure some
have access to digital and online to all parents informing them of fees standardisation in remuneration.
learning opportunities? reduction in the recently concluded This is important to attract the best
• There is also a huge shortage year. We have also reached out to the university graduates and improve the
of good quality teachers. This is parents and deferred fee payment quality of teachers
because the teaching vocation is nei- dates. We have been overwhelmed • A national consensus on making
ther well-respected nor well-paid by our parents’ support and un- education and health the top priori-
• In case the lockdown of education derstanding in these trying times. I ties of the Central and state govern-
institutions is prolonged, it’s going am fortunate to be supported by an ments, needs to be evolved.
to be a tough job for school man- empathetic and pragmatic board of Future direction of Scindia School.
agements and teachers to convince governors and a co-operative parents As the Covid-19 pandemic and
parents that a year lost academically, community. national lockdown has shown, the
is not life lost. Top 3 K-12 education reform recommen- best laid plans can be reduced to
State governments fees waiver/defer- dations. nothing. Therefore, it’s important
ment directives. • The Union HRD ministry should to build flexibility into all plans and
If schools don’t collect contracted set up a national committee to exam- vision statements. In my view, a great
fees, how do they pay their teach- ine ways and means to standardise school has to nurture students with
ers? It is undeniably true that many learning and assess students across strong moral fibre, and capability to
parents have suffered huge business India. The multiple examination understand and appreciate Indian
losses and some of them may not boards countrywide are only widen- culture and heritage in the global
have the means to pay the annual ing the gap between the haves and context.
Deepak Madhok education is not just about complet-
Chairman, Sunbeam Group of Education Institutions ing the syllabus and exams, will be a
greater challenge in the Covid era.
n alumnus of Benaras Hindu and Several state governments have issued
Allahabad universities and for- fees waiver/deferment circulars to private
Amer civic administrator of the Ut- school managements. What’s your com-
tar Pradesh Public Service Commission, ment?
Deepak Madhok is chairman of the Vara- Schools are non-profit organisations
nasi-based Sunbeam Group of Education- wholly dependent on student fees to
al Institutions (SGEI) comprising seven meet expenditure. Even when schools
owned schools, 17 associate schools, two are closed, accrued costs of salary,
women’s colleges, an autism centre and taxes, building maintenance, asset
a free school offering vocational educa- EMIs, taxes and statutory bills have
tion. These institutions have an aggregate to be paid. Government has not an-
enrollment of 25,000 students in Uttar nounced any relief for private schools.
Pradesh mentored by 1,600 teachers. Despite this in SGEI schools we have
How has the Sunbeam Group responded to not forced any student to pay fees
the Covid-19 challenge? and have given parents experiencing financial distress
Over the past few years, Sunbeam Schools had invested deferred fee payment and installment options.
heavily in tech resources and training teachers, admin- What are your Top 3 proposals for reforming K-12 education
istrative staff and students in technology usage. There- in India?
fore when we had to suddenly switch to online learning • Incorporate blended and flip learning in all schools
because of the Covid-19 pandemic, our teachers and stu- post-Covid. This will give more time for students to de-
dents were ready. During the past two months, we have velop creative and critical thinking, communication and
specially trained our teachers to design personalised higher order thinking skills in their classrooms
learning modules for virtual classrooms and also tend to • Revamp pedagogies to enable real understanding of
students’ socio-emotional well-being. Most important, concepts rather than rote learning
we have involved and counseled parents about remote • Provide professional, vocational and skill-based train-
online learning. ing to students to enable them to chart out career paths
What are the major challenges confronting Indian K-12 educa- after school.
tion in the Covid era? What are your future plans for the Sunbeam Group?
Some of the major challenges are poor Internet con- Sunbeam Schools will continue to promote education ex-
nectivity; lack of digital devices; inadequately trained cellence, students’ well-being and ensure every child has
teachers and keeping students engaged while learning a positive, happy and rewarding experience facilitated by
remotely. However, changing parental mindsets that caring and innovative teachers.